Legislative: in the second round, Jean-Luc Mélenchon announces that LFI will ask its voters not to vote RN

Legislative: in the second round, Jean-Luc Mélenchon announces that LFI will ask its voters not to vote RN
Legislative: in the second round, Jean-Luc Mélenchon announces that LFI will ask its voters not to vote RN

La France Insoumise (LFI) will ask its voters on Sunday evening, after the first round of the legislative elections, not to vote for candidates from the National Rally (RN) in the second round, where left-wing candidates will no longer be present, declared Jean-Luc Mélenchon, guest on LCI, on Wednesday.

Find on our dedicated pages the candidates in your constituency and, on June 30 from 8 p.m., the results of the first round of the legislative elections Paris, Lyon, Marseille and throughout France.

“I am certain that no Insoumis voter will ever give their vote to the National Rally. And we will tell them that no one has to do this stupid thing, whatever their motive,” he declared on LCI, specifying that voting instructions would be given on Sunday evening after the first round of voting.

The Insoumis leader estimated that the only “unknown”, on this question of withdrawals between two rounds, resided in the position of the Macronists who “established a link between National Rally and France Insoumise”.

“In other words, not only are they doing an abomination which amounts to helping the Front national, but in addition they would like to sort within the members of the Popular Front (the left alliance) to say this one yes, that one no,” he added.

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Emmanuel Macron’s supporters have not officially indicated what their voting instructions could be between the two rounds. But during a meeting on Tuesday, the presidential camp moved towards the slogan “neither RN, nor LFI”, seeming to establish a distinction between Insoumis on one side and socialists, communists, ecologists on the other.

Several socialist and environmentalist leaders, including the leader of the Greens Marine Tondelier, called on the macronie for agreements of mutual withdrawal in the event of a triangular in order to beat the candidates of the RN, the big favorite in these elections.

“I say neither yes nor no”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon considered it “infamous” to dismiss LFI and the National Rally back to back and once again defended himself from accusations of ambiguity on the anti-Semitism to which he is the subject.

The Insoumis leader also repeated that he refused to exclude himself from a possible nomination to Matignon if the left was in the majority on July 7. “I’m not saying yes or no,” he said, claiming the support of many left-wing voters.

“There are certainly people who think that the line of the Insoumis is that of Mélenchon, it’s too much. But there are many people who think that the line of others is really not enough,” he said.

Almost simultaneously on TF 1, the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, reaffirmed his hostility to Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s accession to Matignon. “It cannot be Jean-Luc Mélenchon, it will not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon,” he said while on BFMTV the former socialist president François Hollande estimated that “he is already no longer in the game “.



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