Rabiot calls on the French to vote in the legislative elections… for whoever they want

Rabiot calls on the French to vote in the legislative elections… for whoever they want
Rabiot calls on the French to vote in the legislative elections… for whoever they want

Adrien Rabiot on Wednesday called on the French to vote in the next legislative elections (June 30 and July 7). But two days before the Euro match against the Netherlands, the Blues midfielder does not want to be parasitized by the political issue despite his importance within the French group.

A contender for victory during Euro 2024, the French team also conveys values ​​of unity at a time when the political situation remains uncertain due to the upcoming legislative elections. Asked to take a position on the possibility of seeing the National Rally lead the country, certain French players called on the French to vote in the election on June 30 and July 7. A call reiterated this Wednesday by Adrien Rabiot two days before the clash between France and the Netherlands.

“It is important in the sense that we represent the French team. It is also the future of France which is at stake. We feel that it is a very important subject, even burning,” said the midfielder of the Blues this Wednesday at a press conference.

By taking care not to position oneself on the political spectrum: “Everyone is free to think what they want, everyone has their convictions and everyone is free to give their opinion. We, simply, what we want is is telling people to go vote because it’s important to say that you shouldn’t let others choose for you. We have the possibility, we have the right to vote and we must use it.

>> All the information on the Euro and the Blues

“We have a competition to manage as best we can”

If some French players only called for going to the polls, others went further. Marcus Thuram and Kylian Mbappé thus asked to fight against the RN for the first and against “the extremes” for the second. A bit like the position advocated by the president of the FFF, Philippe Diallo, Adrien Rabiot has maintained a certain political neutrality. The Juventus midfielder did not wish to comment on the legislative elections from a personal point of view.

“My opinion is that everyone is free to vote according to their convictions,” assured the former PSG. “Of course I’m not going to give my vote, but we are in a democracy and we have to accept it. That’s how it is.”

Before concluding on the subject: “Whoever gets the most votes, it is the people who will have chosen them. But I think that we should not be too parasitized by this story within the group. has a competition to manage as best as possible and it’s already quite complicated because we have our problems inside which are not less If we could leave that a little aside, that would be good.

Jean-Guy Lebreton with AP and LB

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