A solo exhibition by artist Michelle Furlong

A solo exhibition by artist Michelle Furlong
A solo exhibition by artist Michelle Furlong

CULTURE. DRAC – Art actuel Drummondville presents from July 6 to August 25 the solo exhibition Playing-Body by artist Michelle Furlong.

Composed of installation paintings and large format works, Playing-Body is a fun and fascinating exhibition that leads us to rethink the game and the ritualized behaviors that surround it.

The artist also uses sports accessories to create his works. (Photo: Courtesy)

In Furlong’s works, we find direct visual references to sport, with the use of the motif of a goal net, lines that echo the markings on the ground of the fields, as well as the use of large format numbers. which can be found on bibs, illuminated billboards and football fields.

She also uses sports accessories, such as balls, baseball bats, and uniform fabrics to form her works. The artist depicts several visual motifs and repetitions, referencing board game boards, field lines, goals, and more. Her works emphasize the performativity of the body during the act of playing, showing feet, hands, and even fingers frozen in action.

With this new series of works, Furlong seeks to create spaces dedicated to the play of movement and transformation. Through a playful aspect, its multidisciplinary installations encourage people to question the rules of the game and to discover the possibilities that their actions conceal in order to experience a form of poetic emancipation.

Playing-Body invites us to immerse ourselves in a world of liminal zones where the performativity of the game, the symbols and gestures that constitute it transcend the physical domain.

The exhibition makes us rethink the game. (Photo: courtesy)

DRAC invites the population to the opening of this brand new exhibition which will take place on Saturday July 6 from 1 p.m. The artist will be present to interact with the public. An official speech will take place at 2 p.m.

The event is free and open to all.

Creative workshops

For a third consecutive summer, DRAC is leaving the Maison des arts Desjardins Drummondville to present creative workshops in the cultural containers of the City of Drummondville – located at the Parc des Voltigeurs.

The DRAC mediators will present a drawing workshop on playing cards loosely inspired by the artistic practice of Michelle Furlong. This workshop will allow you to compose your own memory or association game and take on the challenge of creating identical compositions from one card to another or finding two thematic motifs to bring together.

The workshops are free and available to everyone.


Fridays: June 28, July 5, July 26, August 16 & August 23

Twice a day: from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Activities are accessible by registration only. Registrations are made directly on the City of Drummondville website (https://www.drummondville.ca/culture-loisirs-et-sports/culture/conteneurs-culturels/conteneurs-culturels/) two weeks before the workshop. (EL)


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