we attended a rehearsal of the opening ceremony choreography

we attended a rehearsal of the opening ceremony choreography
we attended a rehearsal of the opening ceremony choreography

An appointment was made in Saint-Denis (Seine Saint-Denis), one afternoon in June. In an abandoned hangar, a mirror faces around fifty young women and young men. Neon lights are hung here and there to give color, a disco ball is even present in a corner of the ceiling. On the ground, a large parquet floor in the middle.

Around it, sofas and armchairs, an improvised kitchen and a hastily assembled cloakroom. The old building is in its original condition, and has undoubtedly been rehabilitated recently, as evidenced by the numerous tags still present on the walls. Its use now? Serve as a rehearsal for one of the choreographies of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. We are far from the usual decorum when it comes to the 2024 Olympics.

“Working on different dance cultures”

In such an urban environment, should we see a clue as to the kind of dance that we will be able to contemplate on July 26? Not sure, even though the chief choreographer and dance director of Paris 2024, Maud Le Pladec, specializes in contemporary dance.

“It was important for me to work on different dance cultures, explains the latter, dance director of Paris 2024. Classical dance, contemporary dance, so-called urban dance cultures, obviously break, but also walking. »

And to continue: “We held auditions which allowed all the dancers to come from all walks of life. Which means we have different styles, bodies and ages… It’s something that was close to my heart and which represents the France that I adore. »

Under the eyes of Tony Estanguet, president of Paris 2024, and Thomas Jolly, artistic director of the Paris 2024 ceremonies, the fifty dancers rehearse a movement from the choreography. Some of the music used, and composed especially for the opening ceremony, is also revealed.

Thomas Jolly, right, came to watch the rehearsal of the choreography for the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. | PHOTO: PARIS 2024
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Thomas Jolly, right, came to watch the rehearsal of the choreography for the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. | PHOTO: PARIS 2024

Maud Le Pladec, jovial, sets the pace and guides her flock in English, since not all of them are French. It’s rhythmic and the cries of the dancers mixed with the music have their little effect. Enough to make you want to see more. And yet, this is only part of one of the twelve paintings which will be presented to the general public, during the four Paris 2024 ceremonies (opening and closing of the Olympic Games then the Paralympic Games).

“I am quite moved to see the music, which I had heard in the studios of Victor Le Masne (musical director Paris 2024) a few months ago, choreographed and danced thanks to the talents of Maud. It matches! »slides, all smiles, Tony Estanguet after the demonstration.

Sentiment shared by Thomas Jolly: “The emotions are rather happy, because, finally, it’s concrete. Since mid-March, things have been happening. The choreography, the costumes, the music, the sets… It’s an exciting time because everything we’ve designed is part of reality. »

In total, on this single table presented today, 400 dancers (3000 in total for the ceremonies) are expected.

“This is the challenge of my life”

Among them, Louise, 25 years old and originally from Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d’Armor), is present and demonstrates her enthusiasm: “I love the Olympic Games, and to think that we are a small stone in the building is incredible. When I saw I was accepted, I felt really lucky. I would have been disgusted not to be part of it. »

Louise, in the foreground, will be one of the dancers who will be present during the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. | PHOTO: PARIS 2024
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Louise, in the foreground, will be one of the dancers who will be present during the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. | PHOTO: PARIS 2024

Next to her, Guilbeaud, originally from Tahiti, does not hide that his motivation was more down to earth. “I was motivated by the cachetconfesses the young man. I’m very surprised, it’s an experience that brings a lot of things. I had no idea what it could be and now that I’m in it, it’s great. »

Like Guilbeaud, Sharlyne, a dancer from Île-de-France, didn’t pay too much attention to the Olympics before becoming part of the adventure. “It remains an exceptional event that the whole world watches and I met lots of dancers that I didn’t know, who come from different worlds. It’s a real wealth”she confides.

“It’s a bit of the magic of the Olympic Games to succeed in bringing together sport and culture, engages Tony Estanguet. The opening ceremony is the moment of exposure of a country, which must highlight its artistic and cultural capital. I am fascinated to see this diversity which will be expressed in a magical way. »

From now on, we will have to wait until the big day to see more. And Tony Estanguet draws a parallel with sport: “It’s like athletes, although there are rehearsals, there is one day when it counts, it’s during the competition. » Message received by Maud Le Pladec, who summarizes this mission in a few words: “This is the challenge of my life. »



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