The most effective trick to eliminate mosquitoes without dangerous insecticides

If you want to eliminate mosquitoes without using insecticides that are dangerous for your health, know that there is a magic trick!

The month of June has already started several weeks ago and the mosquitoes are back. If the temperatures still remain quite mild, they still have invaded many regions in France.

The return of mosquitoes

If summer is a time much appreciated by many people, the presence of mosquitoes clearly spoils this time of year. And for good reason, in addition to remain annoying and annoying, they remain dangerous.

In fact, it is an insect that represents a great danger to human health. And for good reason, these critters can transmit bacteria or even serious diseases through their bites.

Some can also prove fatal. It is for this reason that many health professionals recommend taking the necessary measures to avoid their massive reproduction near our homes.

On the other hand, it is not always easy to limit the proliferation of these mosquitoes which continue to adapt to numerous changes. Especially since catching this insect can become a difficult task.

Despite their small size, their great flight capacity makes them difficult to catch in the air, which is why many people decide to use insecticides.

Expensive tricks

Please note, however, that it is possible to eliminate mosquitoes without use dangerous products for your health, that of your family and your pets.

Indeed, you can opt for an alternative made from familiar objects, such as toilet paper. With the arrival of summer, mosquitoes tend to breed in greater numbers.

And to invade en masse any space in the house. These insects can still be eliminated using various methods. Candles, sprays, lamps… There are many choices available on the market.

Although they are effective solutions, their cost remains too high compared to the toilet paper trick. Before putting this tip into practice, you should still take preventive measures to reduce the mosquito population.

You can eliminate water accumulation in containers. Or even apply repellents to the body. But also keep your garden free of waste. Once that’s done, it’s time to deliver the final blow with the next method made from accessible materials, like toilet paper.

A very simple natural repellent to make

To develop this very effective method against mosquitoes, you will not need many items. In fact, it will just be necessary to bring together a roll of toilet paper and lemongrass essential oil.

Once these two ingredients are combined, you can implement your trick to get rid of mosquitoes. To get started with this tip, you need to cut strips of toilet paper.

Afterwards, you will have to leave these pieces of toilet paper in a container. Then, on this material you will apply a few drops of lemongrass essential oil.

Finally, you will need to place this natural repellent in the entrances where mosquitoes usually enter the house. Know that these insects have horror of the smell of lemongrass.

So, they will not enter your home if you place this natural repellent on all the windows, but also the doors. This is a very effective method for getting rid of the most annoying insect of the summer.


Victoria Bernard

Graduated from a major journalism school and I also have a diploma in aperitif preparation. I love writing and especially for Tuxboard, the team is really great and the subjects are very varied even if I prefer to write about the media and also fashion trends!



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