King Mohammed VI chairs a Council of Ministers

King Mohammed VI chairs a Council of Ministers
King Mohammed VI chairs a Council of Ministers

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King Mohammed VI chaired, Friday at the Royal Palace in Rabat, a Council of Ministers devoted to examining the general orientations of the finance bill for the year 2025 and the approval of draft decrees relating to the military domain , as well as several international agreements and a series of appointments to senior positions, indicates a press release from the spokesperson for the Royal Palace. Here is the translation:

“His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God help him, chaired, this Friday October 18, 2024, corresponding to 14 Rabii II 1446 AH, at the Royal Palace in Rabat, a Council of Ministers devoted to the examination of the general orientations of the Finance bill for the year 2025 and the approval of draft decrees relating to the military domain, as well as several international agreements and a series of appointments to higher positions.

“At the start of the Council’s work, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 49 of the Constitution, the Minister of Economy and Finance presented to His Majesty the King a presentation on the broad outlines of the finance bill for the year 2025.

“The minister stressed that the preparation of this project takes place in a difficult international context, marked by the continuation of geopolitical tensions and the accentuation of climate crises. Despite this situation, Morocco was able, under the far-sighted leadership of His Majesty the King, may God preserve him, to continue economic and social reforms, while preserving the sustainability of the Moroccan economic balance, with the growth rate expected to be 3.3% in 2024.

“The minister added that the finance bill is structured around four prioritieseach acting as a lever to consolidate social cohesion, immunize economic sovereignty and bring together the conditions necessary for the development of future generations.

“First of all : the continuation of strengthening the pillars of the social statein particular through a harmonious and effective implementation of the generalization of social protection project. Indeed, after the generalization of basic Compulsory Health Insurance, it will be carried out completion of the Direct Social Assistance projectwhose number of beneficiaries has reached around 4 million households, along with the continuation of the health system reform.

“The implementation of the road map of the reform of the education systemas well as the support for social dialoguein addition to the completion of the various projects of the reconstruction and general rehabilitation program of the areas affected by the Al earthquake. Haouz and the rehabilitation of areas affected by flooding in the southeast of the Kingdom.

“Secondly : the consolidation of the dynamics of investment and job creationin accordance with the High Royal Instructions, through the stimulation of private investment and the implementation of the Investment Charterwith particular emphasis on accelerating the approval process for investment projects and continuously improving the business climate.

“There will also be support for public investment and the continuation of structuring projects currently being carried out, in particular the strategy Generation Greenprojects linked to the sector green hydrogen, the transition to clean energy and the sector roadmap sightseeing, while ensuring that water resources management is placed at the center of priorities, that the implementation of the national drinking water supply and irrigation program is accelerated and that major importance is attached to the implementation of related mega-projects. preparations for welcoming the 2030 World Cup.

“At the same time, a Concrete roadmap for employment promotionaccording to an integrated and multidimensional approach aimed at stimulating investment dynamics, particularly in sectors with a high impact on job creation, alongside strengthening support for very small, small and medium-sized enterprises and optimizing the impact of programs employment assets, in addition to mitigating the effects of drought on employment in rural areas.

“Thirdly : the continued implementation of structural reformsat their head the reform of justice systemthrough the completion of the legislative and regulatory frameworks linked to the implementation of this reform, the continuation of efforts for the generalization of family courts and the modernization of judicial administration as well as its digital transformation. It will also be a question of continuing the implementation of advanced regionalization and the reform of public establishments and enterprises, in particular through the implementation of the strategic orientations of the State’s shareholder policy.

“It is also a question of working on the reform of the organic law relating to the Finance Law and of continuing the implementation of the law relating to tax reform.

“Fourth : the preservation of the sustainability of public financesthrough the implementation of the necessary measures to ensure the gradual restoration of financial balances and the necessary financing of planned projects, while ensuring that the budgetary deficit is reduced and the financial margins necessary to cope with the risks are reconstituted and possible future crises.

“The minister stressed that the general orientations of the Finance Bill aim to maximize the impact of the strategies carried out on the development process of our country and to achieve a substantial economic rebound, with a growth rate of 4.6% in 2025 and an inflation rate limited to 2%.

7 draft decrees in the military field

“After the approval by the Council of Ministers of the general orientations of the finance bill for the year 2025, seven draft decrees relating to the military domain were adopted.

“These are the draft decrees modifying the decrees establishing the terms of application of the provisions of the Special Status of Auxiliary Forces personnel, the Special Status of Civil Protection personnel and doctors working at the General Directorate of Protection Civil and external services which fall under it, the treatment of military personnel with monthly pay of the Royal Armed Forces and the system of pay, food and travel expenses of military personnel with progressive special pay of the FAR These four projects, which intervene within the framework. of the particular attention that His Majesty the King, Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the FAR, pays to the promotion of the social and material conditions of these Forces, aim to increase the pay of the members of the Auxiliary Forces , Civil Protection, the Royal Armed Forces and the Royal Gendarmerie, like the increases decided for the benefit of all civil servants within the framework of social dialogue.

The three other draft decrees relate to the use, by entities or infrastructures of vital importance with sensitive information systems or sensitive data, of Cloud service providers, as well as the organization and operation of training hospital services of the Royal Armed Forces and the shipping allowance for the benefit of certain military personnel.

As part of the strengthening of relations uniting Morocco and several brotherly and friendly countries, the consolidation of its positioning and the implementation of its commitments at the continental and international levels, the Council of Ministers adopted nineteen international conventions, including sixteen bilateral and three multilateral. The bilateral conventions concern the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments, the strengthening of cooperation in the fields of justice, maritime fishing, tourism, mutual administrative assistance in customs matters, international road transport and air services. .

Thirteen of these bilateral international conventions are scheduled with six African countries within the framework of the Joint Commissions held in Dakhla, in the Moroccan Sahara.

The multilateral conventions concern the establishment of the permanent headquarters of the Pan-African Institute for Development (IPD) in Dakhla, the facilities and advantages of the North Africa Regional Directorate and the national office of the University Agency of the Francophonie in Morocco , as well as the agreement relating to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction.

And in accordance with the provisions of article 49 of the Constitution and on the proposal of the Head of Government and on the initiative of the Minister of the Interior, His Majesty the King, may God glorify Him, was kind enough to appoint a number of Walis and Governors at the central and territorial administration.

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