France Musique is yours from Saturday June 29, 2024

France Musique is yours from Saturday June 29, 2024
France Musique is yours from Saturday June 29, 2024

Share your musical favorites with us!

  • In writing : via e-mail to the address [email protected] or on the social networks ( Twitter , Instagram et Facebook )
  • Par message vocal on our telephone answering machine at 01 56 40 66 40 (or on a dictaphone to send it to us by e-mail). In this message you can talk about the reason for your musical choice, the emotions/feelings that the work gives you or simply share your reactions to our show.

On the program for this Saturday, June 29, 2024

  • 7h15: ” This weekend on France Musique” –
  • 7h30 : ” Under the covers” with Philippe Venturini – Listening. From Antiquity to the 19th century. An anthology. Under the direction of Martin Kaltenecker
  • 7h50: ” “Weekend news”
  • 7h55 : “Master” sur Arte – Collegium 1704, under the leadership of Vaclav Luks, takes on Handel’s Water Music at Slavkov Castle
  • 8:15 a.m.: ” The game” – try to win Julien Martineau’s latest CD
  • 8:30 a.m.:Listen up! with Christophe Dilys
  • 8h40 : “Saturday at the Opera” before the hour – Don Quixote by Jules Massenet, by the Choir and Orchestra of the Paris National Opera conducted by Patrick Fourmillier



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