“She kissed me and I didn’t consent”: Héléna and Lénie (Star Academy) closer than ever behind the scenes of the tour

“She kissed me and I didn’t consent”: Héléna and Lénie (Star Academy) closer than ever behind the scenes of the tour
“She kissed me and I didn’t consent”: Héléna and Lénie (Star Academy) closer than ever behind the scenes of the tour

The tour Star Academy is coming to an end soon, with the last round of concerts this week. A near deliverance for the seven former academics, who all recently confided in us about this tour – which began in mid-March and included 75 dates – which will have tired them all mentally and physically.

No later than this Monday, July 1, Lénie confided that this end of tour was “sad and at the same time a relief”. ” It is an extreme experience that pushes you to surpass yourselfto always be up to the task and to constantly push one’s limits sometimes putting one’s health aside« , she adds. A trying period for the seven former academicians, but which will undoubtedly have brought them even closer together, if that is possible after the three months of cohabitation at the castle.

A kiss between the two girls

And two former students of the Star Academy seem particularly close on this tour: Lénie and Héléna. Already very close during the adventure, the two young artists have become even closer. The proof today with this short extract broadcast in Candice’s vlog this June 30 on YouTube, where the latter retraces the adventures of the troupe behind the scenes of the tour.

At the bend of a corridor, fans were able to discover Axel, camera in hand, filming a very funny moment between the two girls. “Héléna, the woman of my life”, Lénie first says when she sees her comrade coming towards her. The two then exchange a little kiss, causing amazement in Axel, who then asks Héléna “what just happened”.

“She kissed me and I didn’t consent”, replies the young Belgian, under the guise of humor. To which Axel replies: “You shouldn’t say that…”. Héléna then jokes and then indicates that she consented. A scene already seen several hundred thousand times and which caused hilarity among fans.

“Star Academy”: Héléna also close to another student

It must be said that Héléna is now a regular on the small scenes that hit the mark among film aficionados. Star AcademyA few days ago, the young singer appeared very close to Pierre Garnier, in the middle of a concert in Orléans.

During their performance on « Shallow » by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, the two friends actually surprised the spectators by finishing the song with only one microphone, therefore obviously very close to each other. A scene which revived rumors of a relationship between the two former academicians, despite their numerous denials on the subject.



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