Suspected of having drugged Jennifer, Pascal turns Gabriel against his secretary… The summary of episode 122 of Wednesday June 26, 2024

Suspected of having drugged Jennifer, Pascal turns Gabriel against his secretary… The summary of episode 122 of Wednesday June 26, 2024
Suspected of having drugged Jennifer, Pascal turns Gabriel against his secretary… The summary of episode 122 of Wednesday June 26, 2024

In the episode of More beautiful life, even more beautiful from Wednesday June 26, 2024 – available in streaming – Samuel, worried about not having heard from Jennifer since the day before, begins to panic with Gabriel at the doctor’s office. After calling the hospitals in Marseille, he leaves, too stressed to stay put. Jennifer wakes up at Pascal’s house. Disoriented to find herself on her colleague’s sofa, the young woman asks him for explanations. When she realizes that she is a little disheveled, she begins to panic. Pascal, for his part, remains calm and explains to her that after taking care of the boxes, they drank herbal tea and talked until she fell asleep. He claims to have tried to wake her and ended up letting her sleep, convinced of her need for rest. Panicking, Jennifer realizes that she has slept for several hours, that Samuel has been trying to contact her all night and that she is horribly late for the office.

More beautiful life in advance: Pascal turns Gabriel against Jennifer

At the Mistral, Jennifer and Samuel meet again and apologize to each other. But, surprised to learn that Jennifer slept like a lump, for 12 hours straight, at the home of a new colleague she barely knows, Samuel questions her about her condition. The impression “to be in cotton” that his partner expresses pushes the police officer to worry even more. Convinced that she has been drugged, Samuel suggests that Jennifer take a blood test.
At the doctor’s office, Jennifer complies. Babeth wonders why her secretary is doing a blood drug test. Surprised by her colleague’s story, the nurse promises her that if the results are positive, Pascal will be fired immediately and sent to prison. Hidden behind the door of the room, the latter however heard everything. As the courier leaves the office with his cargo of hemoglobin towards the laboratory, Pascal intercepts him and pushes the young man into error in order to obtain the exchange of the tubes of blood taken from Jennifer. And while the nurse tries to hide his misdeed by leaving the false results on the secretary’s desk, Gabriel catches him snooping. Once again, Pascal succeeds in lying about Jennifer and draws Gabriel into his delirium. He actually comes across a receipt – left there by Pascal – on which it is written that peanut butter was purchased on June 24, the day of Samuel’s anaphylactic shock. Gabriel then imagines that Jennifer is lying or losing her mind.

More beautiful life in advance: Léa does everything possible to help Lucie

Léa tries to convince her partner to let her daughter face her attacker by giving him information about restorative justice over breakfast. While Lucie demands a confrontation to be able to express what she feels, her father categorically refuses to allow her to see Mickaël. Preferring that the two teenagers ignore each other if they pass each other in the street, Boher wants to turn the page. An impossible thing for Lucie who, in addition to confiding in him that she thinks about it even at night, announces to her father that she will categorically refuse to move – the only solution, according to her, to never meet Mickaël again. Lucie admits to waking up in sweat with the urge to harm the boy and her father finally understands that she must express her anger in order to vent.
Léa then turns to Blanche to ask her to lead a restorative mediation workshop, but the latter is reluctant. Although she does not feel legitimate despite her training in the field, she agrees to give Léa the contact details of a colleague so that Lucie can start her process and move on. Blanche, for her part, feels very bad about having been Vanessa Kepler’s tormentor. So much so that she undergoes EMDR therapy. Her therapist also manages to convince her to lead the workshop in order to repair herself, too. A role that he considers completely legitimate because of her past as a stalker.

More beautiful life in advance: Nisma discovers a new side of Steeve’s personality

At the university residence, Steeve has received a large number of packages and asks Apolline for help to bring them up to his room. The young woman takes the opportunity to make fun of her geek friend who spent his entire bonus on computer accessories without thinking about his outdated wardrobe. Attentive, the young man decides to follow his friend’s advice and go shopping. As he arrives at the Mistral completely revamped, his girlfriend struggles to recognize him and wrinkles her nose at this new look which doesn’t resemble him. Disappointed with this welcome, Steeve still gives Nisma a gift. The young woman then struggles to hide her disappointment in front of a superb designer scarf as she does not recognize herself in the accessory. And the gulf between Nisma and her boyfriend widens even more when the latter, once again rewarded with a big bonus, decides to pay for the champagne.



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