David is taken as boss at FC Madrid and Carla is about to ruin Rose’s vacation (Advance summary of episode 956+ Video)

David is taken as boss at FC Madrid and Carla is about to ruin Rose’s vacation (Advance summary of episode 956+ Video)
David is taken as boss at FC Madrid and Carla is about to ruin Rose’s vacation (Advance summary of episode 956+ Video)

“Here Everything Begins” in advance with the detailed and complete summary of episode 956 from Friday June 28, 2024 – In this new episode of ITC which will be broadcast Friday at 6 p.m. on TF1, David receives a response from FC Madrid while Carla takes revenge on Rose.

© Capture Newsactual/ TF1

For the record, TF1 will broadcast two episodes of ITC in a row on Friday June 28.

The previous summary of Here Everything Begins from Thursday June 27 from News Actual is also online. Good reading.

ITC Spoilers till July 12, 2024 are also available. Good reading.

“Here It All Begins” Advance summary of episode 956 of June 28, 2024

Will Maya spend her summer away from Malik?

Malik and Maya spent the night together and everything suggests that this is the start of a serious relationship, but… At the start of the morning, Leonard shows up in the young woman’s room with pastries. Malik is disappointed. Maya explains to Malik that Leonard comes to her bed every morning for ten minutes. They tell each other their dreams and motivate each other for the day. It’s their little ritual. But Léo says he is ready to adapt to this new situation and he agrees with Malik to only come twice a week. Regardless, Leonard is thrilled that Malik and Maya are finally together.

At the end of the day, Malik and Maya discuss the vacation. While Malik plans to spend the summer with his girlfriend and without any constraints, Maya, for her part, does not plan to spend the holidays doing nothing. She would be too afraid of losing in the kitchen. The young woman then finds Quentin. He informs him that he is going to spend the summer in London. One of his colleagues from Japan has just opened a gourmet restaurant and offered to work with him as a second in command this summer. In his eyes, it is excellent to prepare for the master’s exam. Maya confides in him that she would have liked to spend some time with him before school starts. Quentin adds that this is good because her colleague also has a place for her in his brigade. And then he shows his sister the photos of the apartment he found near the restaurant. Maya seems to be trying. Will she accept?

David receives a response from FC Madrid

Stanislas meets David in the corridors and congratulates him on his exam results. But David is not in good spirits. He confided to Stanislas that the FC Madrid recruiter was ready to hire him as manager if he finished at the top of his class, even if he was only in his second year. Stanislas better understands the young man’s disappointment and is sorry that the position escaped him. David adds that FC Madrid is his heart club and that it was his dream to work for them. Stanislas emphasizes that it is also his favorite club. David is surprised. He would never have thought that Stanislas followed football.

A little later, while he is at double A, David receives a call from Mr. Freiss, the recruiter for FC Madrid, but he does not dare pick up. He hasn’t told her yet that he’s not valedictorian. Anaïs encourages him to take his courage in both hands and call her right away. David complies. Against all expectations, the club recruiter tells him that he is the new head of FC Madrid and explains that Mr Du Chesnay slipped in a word in his favor. David is overjoyed. At the end of the day, he approaches Stanislas and Hippolyte. The latter is about to leave. David thanks Stanislas for intervening after the FC Madrid recruiter. Hippolyte clears up the misunderstanding. He explains to David that Stanislas told him about their conversation this morning, but it turns out that he worked for five years in a star restaurant in Madrid where the president of FC Madrid and his staff frequently came to dine. Over time, they began to sympathize. David then asks him if he pushed him to make up for what he had done to him. Hippolyte replies that he does not intend to buy his forgiveness. He just feels it was the right thing to do. He has seen him at work and finds that he has talent, will and merit. Hippolyte adds that the club will be lucky to have him. David thanks him. Hippolyte wishes him good luck in his new life.

Carla takes revenge on Rose

Carla is looking for a vacation rental for this summer, because she doesn’t want to go to Paul Garnier’s house. Bérénice doesn’t understand why. The house is huge, there is a swimming pool and it is located next to the sea. Carla thinks that the billionaire offered to lend Rose his house in the hope that she would go further with him. Bérénice asks Carla if deep down she isn’t just a little jealous, because she wouldn’t want to share her mother. Carla says that’s not the case.

Not far from there, Hortense, Antoine and Marc Leroy carry out the graduation ceremony for the third year students. Marc makes a speech. A bit jealous, Antoine wants to do one too. Hortense cannot hide her emotion as she presents the diploma to Jasmine, who has been valedictorian every year since she joined the Institute. A new page is turning for Tom, Jasmine and Kelly, well almost. Jasmine and Tom are preparing to take the Master’s exam at the start of the school year. For her part, Kelly has not changed her mind and is preparing to leave for Dinard. The young woman shows her diploma to Laetitia, who highlights the journey her daughter has taken. Kelly is moved and tells her mother that she would never have succeeded without her. She then thanks her for everything.

For her part, Bérénice finds Rose and Constance. They are discussing the different activities to do around Paul’s house when Carla joins them. She finally changed her mind and decided to come. Rose is delighted and assures her daughter that the vacation is going to be great.

During the drink offered by the administration, Antoine toasts with Souleymane. He is proud that his son is valedictorian. Penelope joins them. Antoine then tells them bad news. They will not be able to take a cruise on his sailboat as planned during the holidays. Antoine explains that he is not comfortable with the idea of ​​leaving Marc to manage everything alone this summer. He will therefore stay at the Institute, supporting it. Pénélope and Souleymane are understanding. And for good reason, neither of us wanted to take this cruise.

A few minutes later, Carla and Bérénice show Jasmine, Pénélope and Souleymane photos of the house in which they will stay during the holidays. During the conversation, Carla learns that Pénélope and Souleymane have no plans for the summer and that Jasmine will be alone in July, because Greg and Eliott are taking Naël to Portugal.

Carla then sets up a meeting for Jasmine, Pénélope and Souleymane at the home. She makes them believe that Rose invited them to the house she rented. Jasmine asks Carla if she can ask Jim to come because they were going to spend their vacation together. Carla responds positively. Penelope finds this surprising on the part of Rose, but accepts the invitation, just like Souleymane. The latter wants to call Rose to thank her, but Carla claims that she is too busy packing. Once alone, Carla leaves a voice message for her mother telling her that she can’t wait to spend this vacation with her, Bérénice and Constance!

Video Excerpt Here it all begins:

Video coming soon

Find “Here it all begins” from Monday to Friday at 6:30 p.m. on TF1, just before “Tomorrow belongs to us”, and in replay on TF1+.



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