Artus’ comedy exceeds 7 million admissions

Artus’ comedy exceeds 7 million admissions
Artus’ comedy exceeds 7 million admissions

A little something extra, Artus’ feel-good comedy, remains as successful as ever and has just surpassed 7 million admissions. A record.

The “crazy adventure” ofA little something extra continues, its director announced this Saturday, June 15 on Instagram: the feel good comedy, already the biggest French success in theaters since the pandemic, has just exceeded 7 million admissions.

“7 million thanks! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this crazy adventure! We aaaalove you!!!!”, wrote on the social network the actor and director of this film which has continued to seduce the public since its release on the 1st last May.

The film, which has garnered one million admissions each week since its release, is approaching the threshold of ten million spectators, not reached by a French film since What have we done to the good Lord? in 2014.

Laugh with people with disabilities

Directed by the comedian Artusthis comedy with Clovis Cornillac and Alice Belaïdi aims to laugh with people with disabilities and not at their expense.

A little something extra follows two thugs on the run (Artus and Clovis Cornillac) who hide in the middle of a summer camp for young people with mental disabilities. This meeting will turn their lives upside down.

Around ten amateur actors with disabilities respond to the professional casting, bringing that “little extra something” which had nevertheless put off certain cautious producers, according to Artus.

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