big surprise, Bastos and another candidate abruptly leave the adventure

Today at 10:14 – by
Maxime Carignano

Shock in the episode of Wednesday June 26, two candidates suddenly leave the adventure of the Apprentis Champions.

The days follow each other and are not the same. The Apprentis Champions candidates are visibly in low spirits. After Simon Castaldi’s injury, it was Vivian who arrived to replace him at short notice. Some tensions also disturbed the adventurers of the show. Indeed, Simon Féraud criticizes his wife Adixia for being too close to Simon Castaldi. “I try to explain to her that she is distancing herself from Simon Castaldi, but she doesn’t understand! I contain myself a lot, but it’s eating away at me a little. There’s a part of me that doesn’t trust.”

Les Apprentis Champions: Bastos surprises everyone and leaves the show

The episode started off with a bang. Simon Castaldi brought together the other candidates for the adventure to announce some bad news. Indeed, Bastos decided to leave the adventure suddenly. “Bastos, went to see the doctor last night and he won’t come back. I don’t have the reasons”, said Simon Castaldi. For its part, the production revealed a clarification on screen revealing a health concern regarding Bastos: “Since his arrival, Bastos has suffered from insomnia, so he decided to leave the competition to be able to rest. He hasn’t slept for 4 days. He is anxious to be well for fear of losing everything. ” Disgusted by this news, Lisa-Marie was devastated to see him leave: “It’s a big lack of respect. It doesn’t matter. He’s running away from his responsibilities,” said Lisa-Marie. In tears, the young woman intended to have a discussion with Bastos. Unfortunately for her, he left at the worst time in their relationship.

The Apprentice Champions: Another candidate leaves the adventure

Samy in turn spoke following the departure of Bastos. The young man, known in the show Temptation Island, also decided to leave this Wednesday, June 26: “I don’t feel 100%, I’m not really myself here. I’m withdrawn, so I prefer to go home. I’m not at full strength, I prefer to go back. It’s attacking my morale.” For his part, Nikola Lozina justified Samy’s choice: “He’s not well, he’s new, he’s not used to it like us. He’s a beautiful person, he can’t cope and it’s better for him.”

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