In 64, Covid is actively circulating without serious consequences

In 64, Covid is actively circulating without serious consequences
In 64, Covid is actively circulating without serious consequences

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This is how the famous virus has been making headlines again since mid-May all over France. Absent teachers, colleagues to replace and guests prevented from coming to the baptism of the youngest… In public places, the mask has also reappeared in dotted lines. A virus boosted by the appearance of the new sub-variant KP-2. This is a mutation called “FLiRT” which arouses the interest of the health authorities.

“The trend in 64 is the highest, even if it remains very moderate”

While it is still too early to speak of a new wave, the latest data relayed by Santé Publique France highlight a virus that has been gradually increasing since mid-May, exceeding the level of 2023 at the same period, before stabilizing these last days. It is the data shared by SOS Médecins and by hospitals for serious forms that allows health organizations to follow the evolution of the virus.

5.4% of SOS doctor activity

“In recent weeks, these markers have confirmed to us an increase in Covid cases,” indicates Laurent Filleul, Nouvelle-Aquitaine regional delegate for Public Health France. “Thus, the activity of SOS Médecins in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques over the last six weeks has increased from 38 consultations for suspected cases of Covid, to 198 last week. Although this only represents 5.4% of their activity, it is in this department that the increase stands out from the rest of the region, which is between 2 and 4%. In summary, the trend in 64 is the highest, even if it remains very moderate. »

The mask has made a dotted return in public places.

Archives Jean-Philippe Gionnet

For emergencies, the same, the number of visits is slightly increasing. “More proof that the circulation of the virus is increasing, but nothing is happening in terms of serious form and hospitalization,” specifies the delegate.

Lescar wastewater in the red

A second indicator also makes it possible to observe the activity of the virus: the microbiological analysis of wastewater in France. A mission carried out by Sum’eau, a national system. The organization ensures weekly monitoring of residues present in the pipes of the twelve metropolises: Dijon, Grenoble, Lille, Marseille, Nancy, Orléans, Paris, Pau (Lescar), Rennes, Rouen and Toulouse. The results published on June 19 reveal a particularly increased concentration of the virus in Lescar. The marker had doubled between the last week of May and that of June, going from 6,818 to 15,182


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However, this is not enough to generate a real boom in activity in Béarn pharmacies. “Professionals are above all observing a slight surplus in sales of self-tests. People have now adopted this reflex, in case of doubt,” indicates Catherine Roumilly, ordinal advisor to the Order of Pharmacists in the department.

The Bayonne Festivals as a booster?

However, health organizations will have to remain on deck throughout a summer season conducive to large gatherings. In the department, it is the Bayonne Festival which could give a boost to the circulation of the virus, as was already the case last year. However, it is difficult to imagine partygoers motivated by wearing a mask. Especially since many other events could still move the indicators: queue for the legislative elections, reunions for the summer holidays, Euro football evening, the Tour de France and the Olympic Games.

The most vulnerable are therefore invited to exercise the greatest caution. People aged over 75 alone constitute 47% of the population showing signs of acute respiratory infection. And in a completely different area, Public Health is also closely monitoring Whooping Cough which is currently affecting young children between two booster vaccinations. Here too, barrier measures are strongly recommended.

The indicators for monitoring Sars-CoV-2 in wastewater are calculated from the ratio between the viral concentration of Sars-CoV-2 and the concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen.
The situation as of June 25 in New Aquitaine
Public Health France published this Tuesday, June 25, its latest bulletin concerning the whole of New Aquitaine. He points out that an increase in Covid-19 cases is not unusual at this time of year.
Although the emergence of a new variant characterized by immune escape, transmissibility and/or greater severity may influence epidemic dynamics, other factors must be taken into account. The phenomenon of acceleration of the circulation of Sars-CoV-2 is generally multifactorial: the decline in individual immunity and the behavior of the population can promote transmission.

As of June 25, activity for Covid-19 in the SOS Médecins associations is considered moderate while it is relatively low in the region’s emergency services. In terms of severity, no worrying signal was associated with the predominantly circulating variant; in vitro data suggest a possible escape of the KP.2 variant from the immune response but which could be partially compensated by reduced infectivity.



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