How new Nazi accounts were discovered in 1940s Credit Suisse

How new Nazi accounts were discovered in 1940s Credit Suisse
How new Nazi accounts were discovered in 1940s Credit Suisse

Published on January 6, 2025 at 6:58 p.m. / Modified on January 6, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.

3 mins. reading

The takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS also made it possible to better delve into the behavior of the former second largest bank in the troubled years before, during and after the Second World War. By benefiting from better access to Credit Suisse archives, American investigators say they have discovered new bank accounts that the bank hosted around the Second World War on behalf of Nazis or entities under their control. An interim report on the progress of this investigation launched by the US Senate denounces the obstruction carried out by Credit Suisse in previous attempts to identify the holders of these accounts. Conversely, UBS is praised for its cooperation and its desire to shed light on this inglorious past.

A Nazi who ran a bank used to plunder Jewish property. A Swiss lawyer who specialized in concealing transactions, who served as an intermediary for the Nazis and even managed the assets of a conglomerate owned by the German far right of the time. A German industrialist who exploited slave laborers in concentration camps. And even Nazi-linked banks involved in the theft of Jewish assets.

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