Among our French-speaking Swiss neighbors, we no longer joke about noise pollution in the city. The canton of Geneva has decided to crack down and punish those who make too much noise with their car or motorcycle. And the bill will be steep.
Geneva has decided to go to war against noise. All the noises. This starts with the airport, with new measures which will fine late flights: after 10 p.m., companies which take off planes will receive fines ranging from 5,000 to 40,000 francs depending on the duration of the flight. The testing phase carried out in 2024, without fines, however made it possible to significantly reduce abuse. On the other hand, there is still work to be done on the streets of the city according to the Geneva administration which has gone to war against motorized vehicles that are too noisy for several years now. Except that after a few years of teaching, the sentence has become tougher since January 1st.
10,000 francs (euros) fine!
Educational radars will now be accompanied by heavier fines, including people who simply leave their engine idle for no apparent reason.
“The list of noises to avoid has been updated: it will be explicitly prohibited to generate avoidable noise, in particular backfires, with the exhaust system. Violators will be liable to a fine of up to 10,000 francs, assessed on a case-by-case basis by the judge. Technical manipulations of the vehicle will remain prohibited. In addition, existing fines linked to noise pollution (such as “running the engine unnecessarily”). 60 to 80 francs.
Or around €10,000 fine in the most serious cases of nuisance if the judge considers that there is abuse. And the Swiss do not joke about respecting the law, the authorities not hesitating to impose the highest fines unlike France where the maximum sentence is rarely imposed. This policy of banning noise in the city began a few years ago in Geneva and could be emulated on our side of the border, while the famous anti-noise radars are being developed.