“Mayotte is !” »…

“Mayotte is !” »…
“Mayotte is France!” »…

The devastation of cyclone “Chido” plunged the department of Mayotte into absolute distress. Faced with considerable challenges, the Mahorais lost everything in a few hours. While Marine LE PEN, accompanied by her faithful lieutenants, is expected on the archipelago at the end of the Sunday day, the deputy for Yonne Julien ODOUL advocates the duty of solidarity at the level of his constituency encouraging humanitarian operations.

SENS : He is very sensitive to the calls for help from the inhabitants of Mayotte, Julien ODOUL. Not only did the RN parliamentarian take advantage of the confectioners' truce to participate in the collection of donations organized by the bar restaurant “Le Basilic” in Saligny, in favor of the collective “Chido”, a group of Mahorese teachers committed to coming to assistance to affected families; but in addition, he calls for the continued solidarity of the inhabitants of his constituency towards the Mahorais who are experiencing a delicate start to the new year. Indeed, the needs are immense and urgent: clothing, hygiene products, baby diapers, etc.

“While and its communities devote a lot of money each year to international solidarity, we must mobilize to rescue and provide assistance to our compatriots in the poorest department of the Republic. I appeal to the generosity and humanity of as many people as possible to help these devastated families. I salute the magnificent and admirable initiative of the manager of “Basilic” Philippe SILVA who contributes to raising awareness among the inhabitants of the north of Yonne about this national tragedy. Mayotte is France! And all French people must help Mayotte! ».

A collection for Mayotte which was held in this bar restaurant at 57 Grande Rue, in Saligny and which always accepts donations from local generosity…

Thierry BRET




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