Commemorate so as not to forget. France remembers, Tuesday January 7, the Islamist attack which targeted, ten years ago, the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo. Twelve people, including eight members of the editorial staff, lost their lives in 2015 in the attack on the satirical weekly by the Chérif brothers and Saïd Kouachi. Through this attack, freedom of expression was also targeted. Other Islamist attacks near Paris then cost the life of a police officer, Clarissa Jean-Philippe, the next day in Montrouge (Hauts-de-Seine), then four people of Jewish faith in a Hypercacher store, Porte de Vincennes, on January 9. Several tribute ceremonies are planned throughout the day. Follow our live stream.
“Charlie Hebdo” still alive. “The desire to laugh will never disappear”says Riss, the publishing director of Charlie Hebdo, in the special issue of the journal published Tuesday. In this 32-page edition, the satirical newspaper says “indestructible”with on one a reader of Charlie sitting on the barrel of an assault rifle. The number “historical” also includes four pages of God caricatures submitted by cartoonists around the world.
Official ceremonies in three stages. The commemorations begin at 11:30 a.m. with a tribute to the victims of the attack against Charlie Hebdo at 10 rue Nicolas-Appert. Then, a time of contemplation will be organized in front of 62 boulevard Richard-Lenoir in memory of the police officer Ahmed Merabet, killed just after the attack on the newspaper. Finally, France will pay tribute at 1:28 p.m. to the victims of the Hypercacher, Porte de Vincennes.
“No respite in the fight against terrorism.” Emmanuel Macron called on Monday to continue without “relaxation”sans “respite”, the fight against terrorism. “We know that terrorism is a risk that remains significant in our societies”he declared in front of the French ambassadors.