Richard-Toll, January 3 (APS) – The Collective of former workers of the Laiterie du Berger (LDB) of Richard-Toll (north) protested on Friday against their “unfair” dismissal and demanded payment of their compensation .
”We, the 32 former LDB workers, have gathered to protest against our unfair dismissal which is not based on any legal settlement. We also ask our employer to pay us compensation,” declared Abdoulaye Sarr Diop, spokesperson for the collective of 32 LDB licensees.
Speaking at a press briefing in Thiabakh, Mr. Diop maintained that the contracts of the 32 workers were in progress when the company notified them of the layoffs.
He reported that LBD officials decided to suspend the contracts ”without prior clear explanation”.
The spokesperson for the collective invited the administrative authorities and the labor inspector of the Dagana department to come and observe the situation currently prevailing in their former company.
The company’s Human Resources director, Alain Sarr, explained that the contracts of the workers concerned had expired.
According to him, the non-renewal of these contracts is motivated by management’s decision to balance the number of employees in relation to the company’s production capacity.