Chloë Grace Moretz is no longer a heart to take. While rumors of an engagement had been circulating on the Web for several months, the 27-year-old actress put an end to them on January 2, 2025. On her Instagram account, the young woman shared a nice summary of her past year via several photos unpublished. While we can discover her surrounded by her loved ones, with family or walking in the forest, the star of Kick-Ass also slipped a photo of his marriage proposal into his carousel. We thus discover a photo of his hand and that of his partner with two rings set with a diamond. In the caption of her publication which garnered nearly 320,000 likes, the actress wrote: “Happy New Year, I am so grateful for what this year has brought us. People, places, our families, our health, our love. I wish you all a peaceful start to the new year.” For her part, Kate Harrison had since August 2024 shared several photos of herself with Chloë Grace Moretz, and had even already revealed a photo of her wedding ring.
Chloë Grace Moretz: an actress filled with love
As a reminder, in 2022, Chloë Grace Moretz declared in an interview that she liked her “life to remain private”. A rather successful mission so far. However, the star has never hidden his relationship with model Kate Harrison. In this same interview, she admitted to being in a relationship: “I am in a relationship (…)
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