Puy-l’Évêque. The Lot Valley is committed to saving the wine industry

Puy-l’Évêque. The Lot Valley is committed to saving the wine industry
Puy-l’Évêque. The Lot Valley is committed to saving the wine industry

Thursday, November 28, the community of communes of the Lot Valley and the vineyard gathered in Puy l'Évêque around Serge Bladinières and Gérard Alazard, respectively president and vice-president of the CCVLV, Sébastien Sigaud and Cédric Tannière, co-presidents of the UIVC (Interprofessional Union of Cahors Wines) for the signing of the multi-year agreement on partnership and objectives between the two parties. The CCVLV intends to provide its assistance to save the flagship of the Lot vineyard. “This agreement comes to the aid of a more than traumatized viticulture, the figures of 750 ha involved in grubbing up demonstrate the deep crisis in our vineyard, summarizes Serge Bladinières. I think that in percentage we are going to be the appellation which will uproot the most in today Solidarity is strong within the community council which, unanimously, gave its agreement to sign this agreement, I am personally aware, but. everyone clearly understood the challenge: saving the collective With an operating budget of €7 million, the help we provide to viticulture is not done with budgetary ease, but with choices. savings on other positions By providing €150,000 per year, it is the commitment to want to renew it twice with an annual agreement.”

Gérard Alazard agreed with the president. “This unforeseen action had to be put in place, we know where we want to go and we have no choice.”

Cédric Tannière: “I would like to thank everyone on behalf of the wine industry in the Lot. We needed your help, you were the first to position yourself and your example encouraged other structures to support us. C is a strong gesture. A particularity in the Lot is that we have more hazards than others. Winegrowers are in difficulty, we are afraid of running out of wine which is paradoxical in a market where the. we say that we have too many stocks. For the trading part we are working with the producers and we must finalize the creation of a real Malbec sector in Cahors, which will manage both the AOC and the IGP.” The co-president of the UIVC Sébastien Sigaud insisted: “The Cahors wine inter-profession carries a local territory; we are the smallest inter-profession in France. To save the territory, we must exchange, and we thank the CCVLV which was at the initiative. The goal is to keep the Cahors collective brand, now we are going to pass through the Lot vineyard. Today we are working with the whole region and the chamber of agriculture is participating greatly in this with Laurent. Hoard.”

During his speech Sébastien Sigaud explained at length, in a technical way, the evolution that will take place at the level of the unions, the restructuring, with the desire to evolve to emerge from this crisis and save the appellation.




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