Interview: after almost a year as delegate of Mayotte in Paris, Faridy Attoumane returns to this local institution that is sometimes too little known to the Mahorais but, nevertheless, which plays a key role in the service of all the Mahorais.
Mayotte the 1st : What is the Delegation of Mayotte in Paris (DMP)?
Faridy Attoumane : ” The Delegation of Mayotte in Paris (DMP) is an official representation structure of the Departmental Council of Mayotte in France. It plays a pivotal role in bringing together the overseas territory of Mayotte and its nationals living in mainland France, while ensuring a strategic interface with national institutions, public and private partners, as well as associations.”
Mayotte the 1st : and its main missions?
Faridy Attoumane : “It is above all institutional representation, the DMP acts as an ambassador of the department of Mayotte to governmental, parliamentary, economic and associative authorities in France. It also informs and relays information in favor of the specificities and needs of Mayotte, highlighting its socio-economic, cultural and environmental issues.
The DMP also provides support to Mahorais, a point of contact and coordination for Mahorais in France by providing them with support in various areas: education, professional integration, housing, internships and apprenticeships, economic development . The DMP organizes events, forums and workshops to strengthen links between the Mahorese community and French and even international institutions.”
Mayotte the 1st : is it also the promotion of Mayotte?
Faridy Attoumane : “Yes, this is also one of our missions in collaboration with partners such as the Agency for Attractiveness and Tourist Development of Mayotte (AaDTM), the DMP promotes the image of Mayotte by highlighting its cultural and economic assets and tourist. It also participates in trade fairs, conferences and other national events to attract investments and encourage regional development.
We also have in our field of expertise the support of strategic projects by bringing our expertise and our resources to initiatives benefiting both the Mahorais in France and Mayotte. This includes partnerships in education, health, economic development and job training.”
The DMP is a key player in supporting Mahorais residing or traveling in mainland France.
Mayotte the 1st: the DMP is on many fronts apparently
Faridy Attoumane : ” Exactly, we are also involved in institutional collaboration initiatives, such as the COJO for “Mayotte terre des jeux” the promotion of women entrepreneurs in Mayotte in partnership with the AFD on the occasion of Women’s Day, the FORUM OF IDRECOM EXPERTS in the presence of Fred Constant Former Ambassador with the publication of his book: “Geopolitics of Overseas”, or the Meetings with medical students in partnership with the ARS and the CHM.
We also provide logistical resources for projects and events organized in France (Agricultural Show and other national events) in favor of craftsmen and farmers and we act as a reception platform for young people in apprenticeship or in work-study program, contributing to their success despite the challenges linked to the scarcity of internship and training opportunities.
The DMP embodies Mayotte's commitment to maintaining a strong link with the Mahorais while strengthening its roots at the national level. It aims to unite the Mahorais community around promising projects for the future, to promote Mahorais talents and support them in their integration and success.”
Mayotte the 1st : you are a help for every Mahorais if we understand correctly?
Faridy Attoumane : ” perfectly, students and young people in training, we try to facilitate their integration in France through dedicated services, master classes and support for access to internships and work-study training.
Also for families in difficulty, provide personalized support, in partnership with educators and associations (Red Cross in particular), to meet social and educational needs.
As a privileged interlocutor, the DMP simplifies access to administrative services for Mahorais in France, while serving as a relay with local administrations. The DMP puts in place measures to prevent situations of precariousness, by identifying in advance the problems that the Mahorais may face. It offers concrete solutions in collaboration with competent institutions, businesses and associations. For example, we are considering collaborations with the National Red Cross or the SOS group to provide solutions to families in difficulty.”
Mayotte the 1st : regarding the development of strategic partnerships ?
Faridy Attoumane : ” Regarding this subject, the DMP initiates and strengthens institutional and associative collaborations to respond to the specific challenges of the Mahorais in France. It works with partners such as the Mayotte Tourist Attractiveness and Development Agency (AaDTM) to promote the image of the territory and pool resources. The DMP plays a driving role in promoting Mayotte to national and international institutions. The DMP supports entrepreneurs and associations in their efforts, by facilitating access to financing and strategic networks.”
Mayotte the 1st : you are a sort of strategic watch for Mayotte ?
Faridy Attoumane : “in a way, in collaboration with experts and institutions, the DMP ensures permanent monitoring of socio-economic, climatic and geopolitical issues. This monitoring feeds into strategic decisions aimed at strengthening the resilience and development of the territory. For example, a collaboration is underway with the University of Mayotte to launch a conference on Geothermal Energy with national experts. Or even logistics to the cabinet and general administration teams on “the Mayotte law”.
Mayotte the 1st : if I am in Paris or mainland France, how concretely can the DMP help me?
Faridy Attoumane : “The DMP can help you in several ways, in particular by supporting you in your administrative procedures, such as monitoring social assistance or accommodation files, by providing you with support during crisis or emergency situations, by directing towards systems adapted to your needs (e.g. scholarships, educational services, support for returning to Mayotte). By offering a space for dialogue and advice for the success of your educational projects.
And know that for colleagues from the Departmental Council who are in Mayotte, agents on mission in Paris or traveling in mainland France can benefit from logistical support (reservations, organization of events, personalized welcome).”