Discover the weather forecast for Monday November 25, 2025 in Gard.
The sky is gray with generally dry weather in the morning. However, in the Cévennes, its foothills, and from Vidourle to Cèze, light rain occurs from dawn.
In the afternoon, they become more widespread and intensify in the evening. For the night: In the evening, showers are present everywhere, under heavy skies. They then fade, giving way to dry and less cloudy weather at the end of the night.
A maximum of 100 to 120 millimeters of rain is expected in the Cévennes region and at the foot of the relief. South-East wind, generally quite strong to strong, during the day and evening, with gusts of 80 to 90 km/h. Maximum temperatures: from 15 to 18 degrees everywhere on the plains to the sea. Between 12 and 13 degrees throughout the mountainous northwest of Gard.
Minimum temperatures for the following night: from 3 to 6 degrees in the Cévennes, its foothills, and from the neighboring Vidourle to Cèze. Between 8 and 11 degrees from the coast to the Rhône valley.