The Rambouillet Territoires creators club officially launched to support entrepreneurs

The Rambouillet Territoires creators club officially launched to support entrepreneurs
The Rambouillet Territoires creators club officially launched to support entrepreneurs

The Rambouillet Territoires creators club, officially launched on Thursday June 20, aims to support business creators who wish to launch themselves in the region.

Help, support and accompany. This is the objective of the creators’ club officially launched by Rambouillet Territoires on Thursday, June 20, for future business creators. In collaboration with the Paris-Île-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry, BGE Yvelines and Chantiers-Yvelines and to further “strengthen the economic dynamism of the territory”, the urban community wishes, through this tool, to support, connect and advise the creators of tomorrow’s young shoots.

“Lay the missing brick”

“The future of our territory, its wealth, both human and financial, depends on the world of business and economic development,” explains the president of Rambouillet Territoires, Thomas Gourlan.

Public meetings organized by Rambouillet Territoires “to identify the needs of residents”

This creators’ club, officially inaugurated, will offer participants a collective workshop every three weeks, for a year, but also and above all personalized support throughout the journey, sometimes fraught with pitfalls, entrepreneurship, as well as exchanges. with already established business leaders. “This club complements everything that Rambouillet Territoires implements for economic development,” says Olivier-Marie Fondo, director of economic development and mobility for Rambouillet Territoires.

“This system will serve to lay the missing brick to help all project leaders in the area.”

Olivier-Marie Fondo (empty)

“You are the future of our territory, but also of our country”

In total, a dozen candidates for business creation, now members of the club, each more motivated than the last. Photography, costume making, corporate security, equestrian sector… So many areas and projects to bring to fruition, which the new members of the creative club were able to present during the launch of the system.

A retention basin to limit flooding

“Our goal is to support you in the sustainability of your business and, once this mission is accomplished, to encourage you to stay in the South Yvelines, since the goal is not to see you leave elsewhere,” Thomas Gourlan tells the dozen lucky winners. “You are the future of our territory, but also of our country since in this somewhat troubled period, we need vital forces.”

Laura Alliche



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