Perpignan signs a Racingman

Perpignan signs a Racingman
Perpignan signs a Racingman

Zapping Fifteen World 6 Nations Calendar 2024

USAP needed to strengthen a key position for next season. Indeed, scrum-half Sadek Deghmache seriously injured his knee in the spring, and will therefore be absent for many months.

And if the signing of Gela Aprasidze was made official on Saturday (the Georgian international signed up for two seasons), another number 9 should join the Catalan club for one season, according to the latest information disclosed by L’Indépendant. This player plays for Racing 92: he is James Hall.

A difficult season at Racing 92

Arriving this year at Racing 92 after several seasons at Stade Français, the South African had a fairly nightmarish season with only four matches played, and none as a starter. James Hall is barred by Nolann Le Garrec and even Clovis Le Bail in his position but that’s not all since he also had the misfortune of rupturing his cruciate ligaments in January. His return to the field should not be long, but should therefore not be with the Ciel et Blanc.

To sum up

USAP needed to strengthen at a key position for next season. Indeed, scrum half Sadek Deghmache seriously injured his knee in the spring, and will therefore be absent for many months. And in addition to Gela Aprasidze, Perpignan chose a scrum half who plays for a big player in the championship: Racing 92.



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