La Filature, a place of temporary occupation to build connections

La Filature, a place of temporary occupation to build connections
La Filature, a place of temporary occupation to build connections

The Intermède cooperative supports the transformation of places in rehabilitation and supports the transition of territories. To do this, it creates hybrid places of collective interest and cooperation. Sustainable and transitory, these spaces follow the trajectory towards sustainable and united societies.

In Villeurbanne, near Lyon, La Filature offers the Poulettes and Croix-Luizet neighborhoods a new place for reflection and sharing. Right in the city center, this temporary occupation site is located in the former Renaud factories and thus benefits from two years of rehabilitation. Maëlle Nègre is the site coordinator within Intermède. For her, La Filature supports the neighborhood’s transition while allowing residents to build relationships.

La Filature in the city center of Villeurbanne – Interlude
The Pavilion managed by the association Lieux Courbes – Intermède

Within the Filature, many structures of the social and solidarity economy share the premises. Whether artistic, associative, entrepreneurial or even artisanal, the latter can benefit from spaces adapted to a very moderate rent. Each can thus test or consolidate its activity while creating new cooperations with the other actors.

The Lieux Courbes association has even taken possession of the ground floor of one of the three occupied buildings to set up a refreshment bar and a canteen. In the courtyard, the Pavilion, also managed by Lieux Courbes, welcomes associations that wish to offer amateur cultural and artistic practices. All these experiences will allow Intermède to gather knowledge in human and social sciences. This will then be used to better take into account lifestyles in the projects.

The inauguration of the Filature in Villeurbanne – Interlude


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