Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux (77100) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux (77100) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux (77100) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:51 – United Left Voters Observed

While Nupes had established itself as a major political force in the previous legislative elections, but has now exploded in flight, it is the Popular Front that is advancing this time. Which leaves doubts hanging over the left-wing vote in the ballot boxes. During the first round of the legislative elections, in 2022, the Nupes candidacy attracted 25.4% of the ballots in the locality. A breakthrough to be refined with the 27% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election that preceded it, i.e. the cumulative scores from Mélenchon to Hidalgo. At the end of the European elections more recently, Raphaël Glucksmann’s list obtained 13.5% in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux. But this time the left can see 28%, the share of votes of the PS-Place Publique leader being to be re-evaluated with those of Manon Aubry (10.37%), Marie Toussaint (4.16%) or even the communist Léon Deffontaine (1.27%).

18:42 – In 5 years, the extreme right has gained 12 points in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux

Elections follow one another and sometimes are not the same, but there are conclusions to be drawn from all these figures. The evolution of the RN, which already amounts to 12 points in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux between its score in the 2019 European elections and the election of June 9, is notable. Marine Le Pen’s movement indeed seems to have progressed more quickly at the municipal level than at the national level, the results in France giving Jordan Bardella’s list rather eight points more three weeks ago than in 2019. By extrapolating, we can therefore deduce that the RN will be not far from 40% here on June 30, for the first round of the legislative elections.

15:31 – 37.41% for Jordan Bardella in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux on June 9

Going back a few weeks may seem even more obvious, when anticipating the election this Sunday, June 30. Because what the elections said a few days ago is notable. If we go into detail, the National Rally list, led by Jordan Bardella, won the European Parliament elections in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux. The movement recorded 37.41% of the vote, or 765 votes in the city, ahead of Raphaël Glucksmann at 13.5% and Valérie Hayer at 12.27%.

2:32 p.m. – Emmanuel Macron in front of Le Pen and Mélenchon in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux during the 2022 presidential election

Notable performance: the National Rally had collected in the first round a stronger score in the legislative elections in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux than Marine Le Pen herself during the election of the tenant of the Elysée, since she had accumulated 24.3 % in the 1st round on site. In order, we nevertheless found Emmanuel Macron in the lead with 26.36%, followed by Marine Le Pen with 24.3% and Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 22.59%. The RN candidate finally failed behind Emmanuel Macron in the second round (with 44.83% against 55.17%).

12:32 – A National Rally already favorite this Sunday

The number of voters attracted by the National Rally will be a key point of observation at the local level for these 2024 legislative elections. The RN rose to pole position in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux during the Parliament elections two years ago. In the commune, which was part of the 6th constituency of Seine-et-Marne, it was Béatrice Roullaud who immediately took first place in the first round with 27.24%. Victory also awaited him in the second round in the sector, with 51.52%, ahead of the New Ecological and Social Popular Union pair at 48.48%.

11:02 – Electoral dynamics in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux: a socio-demographic analysis

Halfway through the legislative elections, Nanteuil-lès-Meaux is teeming with diversity and activities. With its 6,800 inhabitants, this town is seen as a symbol of openness. The socio-economic variety is reflected in its 430 businesses, whose activity is supported by a family network of 3,840 tax households. In the town, 20.52% of residents are children, and 18.77% are over 60, which could have an effect on the orientations of the directives regarding education and health care. The presence of 402 foreign residents and a rate of immigrants of 9.02% contributes to its multiculturalism. With an average income per tax household of 30,918 euros/year, the town defends economic stability despite the obstacles. In Nanteuil-lès-Meaux, where those under 30 represent 39% of the population, the elections are an opportunity for a future in communion.

09:32 – The legislative elections have started in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux

Abstention will undoubtedly be one of the keys to this legislative election in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux. As a reminder, in the municipality, the percentage of participation in the 2022 legislative elections represented 42.43% in the first round. In the second round, 41.46% of voters exercised their right to vote. On the occasion of the second round of the presidential election, among the 4,337 people of voting age in the municipality, 72.39% took part in the vote, compared to a participation of 74.98% in the first round, which represented 3,252 people. The inflation in the country which is weighing on the budget of the French combined with the fears due to the war in the Middle East, could encourage the inhabitants of Nanteuil-lès-Meaux to take a greater interest in the vote.

08:02 – Legislative elections in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux: polling station opening hours

The opening hours of the 6 polling stations in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux (from Salle Georges Melin to Les Saints Peres 2) are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. without interruption. This Sunday, June 30, 2024, voters in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux are called to the polls for the first round of the legislative elections, crucial for determining the composition of the National Assembly for the coming years. As a reminder, the 2022 legislative elections followed the presidential election of April 2022, where the head of state was re-elected ahead of Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. This election is an opportunity for candidates from the presidential bloc to promote their ideas to the city’s citizens. Don’t forget to bring your voter card and proof of identity to be able to vote.



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