End of season rich in activities and promising prospects – Le Petit Journal

End of season rich in activities and promising prospects – Le Petit Journal
End of season rich in activities and promising prospects – Le Petit Journal

Moral report Sports family – Assembly of June 28

Credits: DR

We are coming to the end of the season and also to the end of my twelfth year as president of the association.
Our website : has been updated and is essential to make yourself known to Internet users, with registration documents to download, photos and explanations of our activities www.sportsfamille.fr.
Page on Facebook (202 members) and QR code : important for communication with the younger generation.
Fresh paint in the weight room at the beginning of July : yellow and orange to give dynamism. The painting of the wall on the mirror side of the weight room was done in gray during the All Saints’ Day holidays, we thank the town hall for providing us with the paint and brushes and for finalizing our painting operation.
Associations Forum in September 2023: at the Alary stadium, with a presentation of the Postural ball by Claudy.
Trophy evening on November 1, 2023: We nominated Claudy, a loyal host for 6 years at our side, because we like her good humor and her professionalism.
A chiropractor Kevin Aupoix :who has been based in Castelsarrasin for a year and a half, offers our members a 20% discount on sessions, upon presentation of proof. €70 for the first two sessions instead of €90 Then if necessary, €40 per session instead of €50 Chiropractic is a reference manual medicine for back and joint care.
Presentation of the courses and schedules of our activities for the start of the 2023 school year: We have increased the contributions in the face of the drop in members. Lucas is leaving our association for Guadeloupe after 6 years, Isabelle is replacing him on Wednesday mornings but we will stop crossfit for financial reasons. Problem with the entrance door to the gym, we would need someone from the town hall on site in the premises.
Morning interview on March 16 : The weight machines have been cleaned, as well as the gym mats. A big thank you to the members who joined us.
Buying a treadmill: we received 3000€ from the agricultural credit and ………….. from the town hall, with the rest we will buy weights.
Agreements with the MSA and ANCV checks and a new Up sport and leisure

Implementation of the “single risk assessment document (DUERP)” with the SMTI : this document is mandatory under penalty of a fine of €1500, Mrs. Colas from SMTI helps us to produce it as well as the company file. We will finalize it at the start of the 2024 school year.
General meeting of the 2022-2023 season: was made on 07/08/22 exceptionally at the Gandalou party hall because we were celebrating our 40th anniversary, followed by a friendly meal and a magnificent homemade cake.
Volunteering problem for the start of the 2024 school year: First of all, I would like to thank all of our current volunteers for their involvement in the association..I still haven’t had a secretary for 4 years. I especially need someone from September to November to sort the registration forms and to enter the bodybuilding members on Excel. No response from the members for the moment.
Future and projects 2024-2025 : the number of people has dropped, so we need to advertise and motivate friends and family to come.
The president Mrs. COYAC Sophie

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