Do you know all the works of art exhibited at Port Lympia?

Do you know all the works of art exhibited at Port Lympia?
Do you know all the works of art exhibited at Port Lympia?

From Pascal Morabito to Sacha Sosno and Noël Dolla, many artists exhibit their creations along the harbor basin. An overview of the most legendary works.

“Hommage à Bracelli” by Pascal Morabito

At the corner of Robilante and Ségurane streets stands this statue by Pascal Morabito. The sculpture pays homage to the 15th century painter, Giovan Battista Bracelli.

The statue overlooks Port Lympia (Photo © Romain Boisaubert/​Nice-​Presse)

As part of the extension work on the Promenade du Paillon, the figure commissioned in 1984 was moved to the bottom of rue Ségurane, near the Puces de Nice, a place of expression for street artists for many years. (see below).

“A Sunday in Nice” by Stéphane Cipre

The representation of the iconic Fiat 500 model ready to hit the road for the holidays does not leave many passers-by indifferent, who rush to immortalize it with their smartphone.

A real invitation to travel (Photo © Romain Boisaubert/​Nice-​Presse)

Made entirely of aluminum, the legendary car recently had a yellow bicycle grafted onto its roof in homage to the Tour de France, alongside inflatable buoys and other parasols and coolers. A work by Stéphane Cipre, the artist who also exhibits “People” in the hall of Terminal 2 of the airport.

“Whale Tail” by Sacha Sosno

(In main photo) At the end of the Riboty quay, you can see a vibrant tribute to the many cetaceans present in the Mediterranean.

A creation by Sacha Sosno, who in his own style offers us an obliteration, this technique consisting of perforating to create a shape and keeping the cut part to use it elsewhere. Himself a fisherman and great lover of the sea, it is quite natural that this work found its place at the port.

“Lou Che” by Noël Dolla

Composed of several boats cutting through the waves, the work dating from 2019 and erected on the Quai Lympia embodies the spirit of navigation.

A tribute to the fishermen of Nice (Photo © Romain Boisaubert/​Nice-​Presse)

The name “Lou Che” is a play on words between “light” (luce in Italian) and Che Guevara, and it is also the name of Noël Dolla’s boat, whose workshop is located nearby. It pays homage to the industrial past of the place, symbolized by the 1936 crane, listed since the 20th century.

“Pepin, the goddess and the sea” by Ernest Pignon Ernest

On the Garibaldi tram station side, you can admire the spectacular statue “Pepin, the goddess and the sea” by Ernest Pignon Ernest, created in 2019. This work represents Giuseppe Garibaldi as a child, nicknamed Pépin, perched on the shoulder of Victory, with a view of the sea captured by a camera located on Place Guynemer in the background.

Giuseppe Garibaldi is depicted here as a child (Photo © Romain Boisaubert/​Nice-​Presse)

Garibaldi, whose adventures began at the Port where he lived, is symbolically linked to this location. His house was on Quai Napoléon, near the terminus of tramway line 2. In addition, the station platform features a reconstruction of a piece of the Bastion Sincaire, whose stones were used to erect the building on Place Garibaldi in 1783.

But also…

The facades of the Puces de Nice are not lacking in color (Photo © Romain Boisaubert/​Nice-​Presse)

At the Puces de Nice, you can discover every day works by street artists. Since 2017, the facades of the Puces de Nice have been decorated by local designers. This project, initiated by the City, is part of an ambitious policy of promoting art in public spaces.

[© DR]

A few steps away, on Place du Pin, is “La Dolly” by Patrick Moyainaugurated on June 16, 2023 by Christian Estrosi. This sculpture, in a vibrant blue, was installed in collaboration with the LGBTQIA+ Côte d’Azur Center. Created in 1999, Dolly is inspired by the famous eponymous sheep, the first mammal cloned by man. Over the years, Dolly has become a central character in the Moya universe. She is also the emblem of the “Dolly Party” charity evenings organized in the South.



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