Hervé Guihard invites voters to “take the time to settle down, to think” before the second round

Hervé Guihard invites voters to “take the time to settle down, to think” before the second round
Hervé Guihard invites voters to “take the time to settle down, to think” before the second round

“As mayor, I am very happy with the excellent participation of the city [71,48 % NDLR]. We felt it by the huge number of proxies, by the great atmosphere in the offices. When there is something at stake, the French move. In Saint-Brieuc, the New Popular Front is in the lead with a ten-point lead, that is huge.”

“We were vampirized by this media ball that was Mélenchon”

“As a representative of Place publique, I note that in our constituency as in Saint-Brieuc, the RN is the 3rd thief. And that’s very good. But on the evening of this first round, I find that there was a vast deception in having waved for days the red rag of Mélenchon which never existed. We were vampired by this media ball that Mélenchon was even though he was never in the “game”. Today, voters must take the time to sit down and think. At the end of the day, Mickaël Cosson represents the party which pushed through a certain number of reforms, including that of pensions… Even if, in himself, he is a quality and entirely respectable politician.

“As for the RN score, it clearly shows that it is not the candidates who count. The party benefits from the feeling of injustice and contempt felt by people, which is very real. But I trust people. I trust them to think about what they want. And to be political until the end of this week.”



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