Miraoui defuses the crisis in time

Miraoui defuses the crisis in time
Miraoui defuses the crisis in time

Yousra Amrani

June 30, 2024 at 5:42 p.m.

It is a damning scenario, like that of the Medical schoolsdentistry and pharmacy, which was avoided at the last minute by the Minister ofHigher Education, Abdellatif Miraoui. Indeed, engineering students, who have been grumbling for more than a week following the announcement by the supervisory ministry of the unification of admission competitions for access to national schools of arts and crafts and the network of national schools of applied scienceshad announced their intention to launch an unprecedented escalation, threatening to boycott classes and repeat the scenario of medical students.

An announcement which did not leave the minister unmoved, who interacted positively with the students’ demands, deciding to reverse his decision. In fact, the National coordination of Moroccan engineering students (CNEIM) thus announced in a press release, published on Saturday June 29, that the ministry had finally revised its initial decision. The ministry even set, separately, the dates of the two competitions. Ministerial circular No. 0725/01, addressed to university presidents and directors of university establishments, set the dates of the entrance examinations to the national schools of arts and crafts for Monday July 29 and to the network of national schools of applied sciences for Saturday July 27.

If the National Coordination of engineering students Moroccans welcomed this decision, expressing gratitude to all those who contributed to preserving the value of engineering training and the identity of engineering schools, she nevertheless warned that the crisis was not yet over, since the main demand of the students still remains unsatisfied, namely the revision of the educational specifications in its new version, with a view to modifying several points “the implementation of which could cause certain schools and institutes to lose their independence and could empty the training of engineers in its technical substance,” we read in the press release.

But although the minister has not managed to definitively resolve this crisis, he has nevertheless managed to calm tempers and avoid the anger of students who were already promising a scenario similar to that of the medical, dental and pharmacy students who, let us recall, boycotted the second semester exams on June 26, after a national strike that lasted more than six months.



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