A Bugatti worth 4.5 million bought in Paris by the Ukrainian first lady, Olena Zelenska? We finally know the truth

A Bugatti worth 4.5 million bought in Paris by the Ukrainian first lady, Olena Zelenska? We finally know the truth
A Bugatti worth 4.5 million bought in Paris by the Ukrainian first lady, Olena Zelenska? We finally know the truth

The war began in February 2022, between Russia on Ukraine. And since then, all blows are allowed. Indeed, Vladimir Putin’s supporters are not only fighting on the battlefield. A fake news campaign continues to surround the conflict. And on the front line, the Ukrainian first lady, Olena Zelenska, is regularly a victim.

After the uproar caused by her (very real) off-the-wall photoshoot in Vogue, the wildest rumors have been embroidered around her.

Volodymyr Zelensky’s wife accused

He is regularly criticized for ” divert » money “paid by Europeans to Ukraine”She was accused of having “spent $1.1 million on jewelry while traveling to New York”. Then, he was criticized for traveling on his private jet, after having “spent a fortune in Paris”.

Latest fake news, Olena Zelenska allegedly spent 4.5 million euros to buy herself a Bugatti Tourbillon. It was during her last trip to Paris, at the beginning of June. Invited with her husband for the commemoration of the landing, did the first lady really go shopping during her free time?

Of course not, says the Car Lovers group, which operates the Bugatti Paris dealership. The brand was forced to share a denial. The group “firmly denies both the existence of this transaction” involving Mrs. Volodymyr Zelensky explained the note. And to describe the alleged invoice shared on the Web as rude « faux ».

In detail, we can indeed read about this document: “ Not only are the mandatory legal notices missing from the invoice, but the price of the vehicle is also incorrect, the price of the options and their descriptions are inaccurate and inconsistent, the graphic charter is outdated, and the Car Lovers Group would never have allowed the publication of such a document.« .

Russia is waging a war of disinformation

The dealer assured that he had “seized the courts (…) by filing a criminal complaint for forgery, use of forgery, identity theft and defamation, in particular”.

Furthermore, the French authorities have already warned in February 2024 about the dangers of Russian disinformation. Because it is indeed a large-scale Russian propaganda network that is at the source of this false information.

It aims to manipulate Western public opinion (not only regarding Ukraine). This time, on X, we could read: “While its population starves and dies in combat”the Ukrainian first lady “buys multi-million euro cars”on X.



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