their first votes to fight against “the extremes” or out of “duty”

their first votes to fight against “the extremes” or out of “duty”
their first votes to fight against “the extremes” or out of “duty”

They should have waited for the municipal elections in 2026. But with the dissolution of the National Assembly decided by Emmanuel Macron, several young Blésois submitted a ballot for the first time on Sunday June 30, 2024. A vote that is so important for this first round of elections. Legislative.

“I come to support values. In my family, I have a candidate. There is often a confrontation of points of view and a debate of ideas”, smiles Clotilde, 19 years old since January, who came to accompany her mother-in-law to the Simone-Veil polling station in Blois. She voted in the afternoon in Chouzy-sur-Cisse.

“More trust in personalities than in politicians”

And for the Europeans? “I didn’t know who to choose.” “My vote was oriented towards values ​​that represent me and that I want to defend.”explains Thomas, 18 years old after his vote at the Foch office in Blois.

How did he go about choosing? “I looked at all the lists and I read the professions of faith. »

Thomas also voted for the first time at the Foch office in Blois.
© (Photo NR, Matthieu Unvoas)

Many people use social media, like 18-year-old Ilona. “They contribute a lot even if you have to check the sources. » Or Samuel, 19, voting at the Minotaure office in Vendôme. “I listen to HugoDécrypte’s videos (journalist and videographer) on YouTube and other journalists. It’s more attractive than reading papers (professions of was) a little boring. »

“I fear voters more than politicians”

The young man also mentions calls for French stars to vote or to put up a barrier against the far right. “We young people have more trust in personalities than in politicians.”

For other young voters, it was their second vote in three weeks after the European elections. Faïza, 18 since March, has always been interested in politics with « convictions » marked very “far from the extreme right. I fear voters more than politicians”she admits as she leaves the Foch office. “Voting remains a simple gesture. »

“Everyone is free to think what they want”

Same story for Asmae, 19, specifying: ” the extremes “ and welcoming the chance to vote. “It’s simply a right. I’m French, I don’t even think about it.”

This fear that the country is falling apart is more measured among some. “I have no fear. Everyone is free to think what they want.”says Thomas, who was absent during the European vote.

” A duty “ too, insists Ilona. “If no one votes, it will be problematic. We contribute to the politics of the country.” The young adult even filed a ballot for her mother after a power of attorney.

“You need a relationship of trust. I voted for what she told me”, she laughs. A long wait awaited all these young voters before the first results at 8 p.m. where their choices now have an influence.



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