Auch takes care of swallows and swifts to fight against mosquitoes

Auch takes care of swallows and swifts to fight against mosquitoes
Auch takes care of swallows and swifts to fight against mosquitoes

The observation of a decrease of almost 50% in the number of house martins between 2011 and 2019 had the immediate consequence of including their protection and that of swifts in the city’s Agenda 21. Awareness-raising operations were carried out, in partnership with the Gers delegation of the League for the Protection of Birds Occitanie and the Permanent Center for Initiatives for the Environment Pays Gersois, among the Auscitains and the students.

Swallow colonies have been identified and monitored throughout the city, in addition to the development of a mapping and alert tool on works (such as facade renovations) that could disturb these birds protected by law. A swallow tower has also been installed not far from the music school.

Recently, 22 swift nest boxes were built in association with the IME La Convention and the League for the Protection of Birds. The first twelve have just been installed at Place Betclar, on the site of the herb market. “This new action fits perfectly into our policy of preserving local biodiversity and limiting the proliferation of mosquitoes, of which swifts and swallows are major consumers.” stressed Henri Chavarot, deputy mayor in charge of sustainable development.

To involve residents more and more in this more than necessary protection while mosquitoes are proliferating, the City of Auch is launching a participatory inventory intended to list the nests of swallows and swifts, to be found on the new leaflet available by downloading the QR code, on the site from the town hall or that of Grand Auch



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