Results of the legislative elections in Cenon: the 2024 election live

Results of the legislative elections in Cenon: the 2024 election live
Results of the legislative elections in Cenon: the 2024 election live

17:05 – A special case for Cenon during the European elections

Mentioning the results of the most recent election may also seem wise when familiarizing yourself with the legislative elections. Manon Aubry won in Cenon during the European Parliament elections a few days ago, with 22.43%. The list pushed Jordan Bardella’s RN to second position with 21.21% of the votes.

14:32 – 38.94% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round of the 2022 presidential election in Cenon

The election to the presidency of the Republic is undoubtedly the reference for estimating a local political preference. It was Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 38.94% and Emmanuel Macron with 22.05% who finished in the first two places after the first round of the presidential election in Cenon. Marine Le Pen only collected 15.71%. It is ultimately the outgoing president who will end up winning at 68.64% against 31.36% for Le Pen in the second round on site.

12:32 – In Cenon, are the results of the last legislative elections as revealing today?

The 2022 legislative elections in Cenon will not give the advantage, in the first round, to the National Rally, which will obtain 12.91% in the commune, an integral part of the 4th constituency of Gironde, while the Nupes candidates will gather 57.63% voices. In the second round, the RN also failed, still leaving first place to competitors labeled New Ecological and Social Popular Union (71.61% against 28.39% for the RN). Alain David therefore won this election on the spot.

11:02 – Demographic and electoral trends in Cenon: what to remember

Cenon’s demographic and socio-economic data highlight clear trends that could impact the outcome of the legislative elections. With a population density of 4,446 inhabitants/km² and a percentage of job seekers of 16.47%, the job market and housing issues are major topics. An average income per tax household of 19,616 euros/year may be characteristic of local socio-economic disparities. In addition, the presence of a foreign population of 16.64% and an immigrant population of 19.89% highlights issues of intercultural cohabitation. The percentage of students, 7.89% in Cenon, highlights the presence of a young and educated population, likely to foster an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship.

09:32 – Abstention in the latest legislative elections in Cenon: a detailed overview

Studying the last elections is an opportunity to get an idea of ​​how the residents of this city voted. At the beginning of June, at the time of the European elections, the participation percentage rose to 42.24% of those registered on the electoral lists in Cenon (Gironde), compared to a participation rate of 43.43% during the 2019 European election. As a reminder, in the city, the participation rate in the 2022 legislative elections represented 41.06% in the first round. In the second round, 38.73% of voters turned out. Across France, participation was already being scrutinized in June 2022. It stood at 18.4% at lunchtime and only 39.4% at 5 p.m. for the first round.

08:02 – Election day in Cenon: polling station times

This Sunday, June 30, 2024, French citizens are called to the polls for the first round of legislative elections, crucial for determining the composition of the Legislative Assembly for the coming years. As a reminder, the previous legislative elections followed the presidential election of April 2022, where Emmanuel Macron was re-elected for a second term ahead of Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. This election is an opportunity for candidates from the left bloc to promote their ideas to the city’s voters. Also note that the opening hours of the 16 polling stations in Cenon are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. without interruption. For free notification of the results of the first round of the legislative elections in Cenon as soon as they are published, click on ‘Activate results alerts’ at the top of this page.



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