Fire Breaks Out in the Kitchens of a Restaurant in Montluçon: Customers and Staff Quickly Evacuated

Fire Breaks Out in the Kitchens of a Restaurant in Montluçon: Customers and Staff Quickly Evacuated
Fire Breaks Out in the Kitchens of a Restaurant in Montluçon: Customers and Staff Quickly Evacuated

A fire broke out this Sunday, June 30, shortly before 12:30 p.m., inside the Kamille restaurant, rue Sainte-Anne, in Montluçon (Allier). Although the fire did not cause any injuries, the kitchens were partially destroyed.

A fire broke out this Sunday, June 30, shortly before 12:30 p.m., at the start of service, in the kitchens of the Kamille restaurant, rue Sainte-Anne, in Montluçon (Allier).

“We were working, the first customers had settled in the dining room. In the kitchen, a pan of oil caught fire,” says Camille Sentagne, the head chef. “We tried to put a lid on it, but we couldn’t do anything, even with the fire extinguishers…” The fire then apparently spread to the ventilation ducts.

Staff and customers quickly evacuated

“We got everyone out,” continues the chef who, although relieved that there are no injuries, is already expecting to have to carry out major work before being able to reopen.

Because despite the rapid intervention of firefighters – a dozen from the Montluçon and Commentry centers – Kamille’s kitchens were partially destroyed and the smoke spread to the entire establishment.

“The fire was quickly brought under control,” nevertheless assures Commander Pierre Stumpf at the head of rescue operations. “But we’re going to have to treat the ventilation ducts to make sure there aren’t any hot spots.” To avoid any resumption of fire.

Staff from the Montluçon police station were mobilized to ensure a security perimeter during the intervention. Enedis teams were also on site.

Two fires in the night around Montluçon: at the former Saint-Jean clinic and in an abandoned factory

Laura Morel



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