“It only happens once in a lifetime”

“It only happens once in a lifetime”
“It only happens once in a lifetime”

They will be the first face of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games (JO). An army of volunteers will be deployed to all the event sites to ensure its smooth running. Around 45,000 volunteers (from all over France and even around the world) have been selected and trained to welcome the athletes and guide the spectators.

Among them, a few people from Tours seized the opportunity to experience a unique moment (1). Like Gwenaëlle, 48, a sports enthusiast. “I have been swimming for a long time. Today, I’m doing ultra-trail”, she says. When she learned that the Olympic Committee was recruiting volunteers last year, this active woman jumped at the chance. “Participating in the Olympics only happens once in your life. This is a real opportunity,” Gwenaëlle explains.

“It was the federation that asked me to volunteer”

Based in Tours since 2018, she has maintained a base in Paris, “at least I won’t have any accommodation problems”. Reflexologist therapist, Gwenaëlle has arranged to be available throughout the duration of the Olympics, “but also for the Paralympics” (from July 26 to August 11). His mission? “I will secure the road cycling races, for men and women, and I will also have missions for the triathlon which takes place around the Grand Palais”, she explains.

The future volunteer followed a few hours of online training to familiarize herself with the organization, “plus one especially for the Paralympics. We are taught the right actions to adopt with people with disabilities. »

Ten days ago she went to the 15e arrondissement of Paris to collect his accreditation and his official outfit: a white jacket, a colorful safari-style hat, pants and a turquoise striped T-shirt. All that’s left to do is wait for the kick-off. “My days will last from 5 a.m. until 12 p.m.-1 p.m., it will be sporty! »

Among the volunteers, some are more experienced. This is the case of Marc, retired since 2018. The former security agent living in Touraine and licensed to the Yvelines cycling club will be team leader at the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines velodrome. “It was the federation that asked me to volunteer”he reveals. A good recruit for the Olympic committee. Marc has supervised dozens of races to his credit. “I’m used to rubbing shoulders with top-level runners, I’m not going to have stars in my eyes”admits the athlete.

“I’m lucky, I was given a place”

From July 27, and for around ten days, he will supervise volunteers “to set up filtering, control of accreditations, but also the distribution of water bottles or manage the raising of flags. »

Marc must make himself available for half the day. A busy schedule that leaves little room for distractions. “Volunteers are not invited to the opening and closing ceremony, regrets the pensioner. I’m lucky, I was given a place.”

The housing and transport problems mentioned in recent weeks by volunteers do not concern him either. And for good reason, “my son is a policeman in Yvelines, he will host me. And to get around, I’m going to bring my bike! »

(1) The Paris 2024 Olympic Games organizing committee has not specified the number of volunteers from Indre-et-Loire.

A €2 coin distributed to schoolchildren

A €2 collector’s coin from the Paris Mint was distributed to 59 schools in Indre-et-Loire (6,400 students) last February. It was accompanied by an educational booklet dedicated to the Games and their history to raise awareness among primary school students about the Olympic Games.



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