2024 legislative elections in the Hautes-Pyrénées: dramatic turn of events in the first constituency, Jean-Bernard Sempastous withdraws his candidacy

2024 legislative elections in the Hautes-Pyrénées: dramatic turn of events in the first constituency, Jean-Bernard Sempastous withdraws his candidacy
2024 legislative elections in the Hautes-Pyrénées: dramatic turn of events in the first constituency, Jean-Bernard Sempastous withdraws his candidacy

After announcing his decision to continue in the second round on Sunday evening, Jean-Bernard Sempastous has finally decided to withdraw from the race in the first constituency of the Hautes-Pyrénées.

The former MP for the constituency will not have succeeded in his comeback. But he believes he is coming out of the fight with his head held high. “I brought together 14,760 voters, that is to say 3,000 more than in 2022, which is rather satisfactory, in a difficult national and local context. With Maria Lecaudey, we thank them warmly, as well as all the elected officials who trusted me, they will recognize themselves. Despite everything, we came in third place, which is a shame, because we had a local project, with real ideas. In this regard, I am worried on three points for our territory, health, with the hospital project which is, as a result, not assured, but also the economy and therefore employment for our young people, which risks suffering. And finally, I have fears for the Republic, its values, in particular secularism. Now, despite this honorable result, and even if we could maintain ourselves, we have decided to withdraw.”
And words have meaning, withdrawing is not giving up, nuance… Besides, Jean-Bernard Sempastous does not give voting instructions, if it still works. “The votes of the voters do not belong to us. Each will decide between two candidates, or rather two female candidates, on one side an outgoing deputy, LFI activist, who has shone by her absence and her overly militant positions, precisely, and on the other, an RN candidate, inexperienced, and who has made hateful and infamous remarks.”

“The choice of reason”

Jean-Bernard Sempastous and Maria Lecaudey assure that they have made the decision with one voice, but do not call for voting for any candidate. “On one side there is a candidate from the New Popular Front, very marked by LFI, and on the other a representative of the RN, a party that I consider a danger for the Republic. For me, these two options represent everything that I have fought against since my beginnings in politics. Neither of these two forces should have the majority in the National Assembly.”
The one who presented himself as the candidate of reason, therefore also makes the choice of reason. A personal choice, which he assures is not dictated by the political machines and their clever calculations. “I am proud to have worn my colors during this campaign, now, I am doing my republican duty by withdrawing.”



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