Albi: the history of pastel in the land of Cocagne

Albi: the history of pastel in the land of Cocagne
Albi: the history of pastel in the land of Cocagne

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Woad is a mysterious plant. It produces yellow flowers, but it is from the leaves that a blue pigment is extracted which is used to dye fabrics.

In the 14th and 16th centuries it brought fortune to our region and Lauragais became “the land of plenty”.

It is the mythical story of this plant that we will tell at the Maison du Vieil Alby from July 1 to August 31, in the form of panels and various documents on display: seeds, pods, rosettes, cocagnes, fabrics.

This exhibition is intended to be educational to reflect the tormented history of “Isatis tinctoria” over the centuries, from the Middle Ages to the present day. Absolutely worth discovering in the medieval setting of the Maison du Vieil Alby, open Monday to Saturday from 2:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Throughout the duration of the exhibition, a video on the history of Pastel in the land of plenty is available to visitors.

Information: Serge Vincent on 06 23 09 67 80.


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