The beginnings of prehistoric archeology in France

The beginnings of prehistoric archeology in France
The beginnings of prehistoric archeology in France

the essential
The Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Montauban is offering a new conference this Monday.

Monday July 1 at 5 p.m. at the Ancien Collège, the Montauban Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts will receive Edmée Ladier. She will host a conference on the theme “Bruniquel and the beginnings of prehistoric archeology in France”.

In the second half of the 19th century, Prehistory, born from the awareness of the very great antiquity of humanity, was nourished by archaeological excavations carried out in various regions of France, the most famous works having taken place from 1862 in Aurignac (Haute-Garonne).

Closer to us, particularly in Bruniquel, the work of the researchers was just as important as that undertaken elsewhere in Périgord. Even if they are unjustly forgotten today, they contributed greatly to the creation and popularization of Prehistory as a scientific discipline.

Edmée Ladier is honorary chief curator of heritage, president of the “Prehistory of the South West” association, Knight of the Academic Palms. Curator of the Montauban Natural History Museum from 1981 to 2011, she is today elected full member to the 37th chair of the Academy, occupied until January 2022 by Christiane Vallespir.



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