The Avignon Festival, so fragile, so burning

Published on June 29, 2024 at 10:04 p.m. / Modified on June 29, 2024 at 10:05 p.m.

K.O. standing, the Avignon Festival risks being on Sunday evening, the day after its opening. If the polling institutes, who are for us what the soothsayer Teiresias was for the Greeks, predict correctly, the National Rally will win hands down in the first round of the legislative elections. With this announced triumph, it is the very ideal of this great event launched in 1947 by Jean Vilar, this artist who wanted Shakespeare and Claudel to address everyone, which is shaken and paradoxically revived.

This is because the Avignon meeting is an actual idea of ​​society. Was it not designed, from its birth, as a place of reconciliation – after the nightmare of war – and democratization of culture? In this respect, it is the cradle of a policy embodied by André Malraux, this early anti-fascist, a left-wing man who became a Gaullist, who wanted art to emancipate all layers of the population.

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