Championship – Toulouse Olympique continues its series against Featherstone – Rugby League

Championship – Toulouse Olympique continues its series against Featherstone – Rugby League
Championship – Toulouse Olympique continues its series against Featherstone – Rugby League

Toulouse Olympique won 20-0 against Featherstone this Saturday evening, during the 13th day of the Championship.

Featherstone kicks off against Toulouse Olympique in a match that will determine the top of the table. A difficult start for the English visitors who are shown a yellow card for a delayed tackle. An immediate sanction, Rennie scores well served by Rivett, 6-0. In the 10th minute, Rivett doubles the lead with a nice inside hook. 12-0.

The match is a bit tense. After several penalties on both sides for heavy tackles, it is Lambert Belmas who receives a yellow card. There are 20 minutes left to play in this first period. With some significant defensive gestures, Toulouse manages to prevent Featherstone from taking advantage of the numerical superiority and gets their hands on the ball again with less than 10 minutes to play.

To finish this first half well, a high tackle from Rovers in front of the posts. The penalty was passed by Shorrocks and TO led 14-0 at the break.

Toulouse locks down the Rovers

Start of the second half with a quick try from Toulouse. Coming out of the scrum, Ashall-Bott makes the difference and gives it to Marcon who eliminates his opposite number and scores, 18-0. It’s still high tackled by Rovers. Another penalty in front of the posts. TO plays it by hand but will not score.

20 minutes from the end, Featherstone finally comes to the Toulouse camp. Several chains follow one another but it ends with a forward. Toulouse attacks in turn and new penalty against Rovers. This time they choose both points. 20-0.

The end of the match was lively in terms of aggression but no points were scored. Toulouse won once again without conceding any points, the third match in a row.

Thirteen World Cup



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