Assured of returning to National 2, Hyères accelerates its transfer window

Assured of returning to National 2, Hyères accelerates its transfer window
Assured of returning to National 2, Hyères accelerates its transfer window

The second appearance of the Hyères 83 football club before the DNCG, on June 25, was crowned with success. The provisional budget was accepted even if the payroll remains limited. As a result, the club was able to formalize several recruits.

For Guillaume Sordello and Sébastien Billiez, the young and new co-presidents, this is a huge victory. First in the face of time, then in the face of preconceived ideas. And above all the reward for total involvement.

A strong Hyères entity

“The nights were short and our respective phones were put to the test. In the space of three weeks, we had to come up with a budget which amounted to 1.2 million euros for the entire club, but also prepare for the split with the SASP And at the same time secure the players and partners The pressure was maximum especially as we also had to manage the renovation of the Perruc locker rooms, which required logistical adjustments for us. , it was more of a hazing than a baptism of fire”, they explain in the same voice, but always with a smile on their lips.

Because the Sordello-Billiez tandem is the symbol of the Hyères entity. Both started together at HFC at the age of 5. The Perruc stand also bears Sordello’s name and Billiez’s grandparents were already supporters of the Yellow and Blue.

Thus, all the local forces were mobilized. “We were received at the town hall 48 hours after the surprise announcement of the departure of Nicolas Garrigues. The municipal support and that of the TPM metropolis were crucial. Without forgetting all our emblematic partners who did not give up on us”they continue.

In terms of the workforce, the official announcements have logically followed. As previously announced in our columns, Andreani, K. Brun, Cordoval, Gazzaoui, Magnora, Mathieu (who is treating his pubalgia), El Farissi and Ebrard remain.

The HFC received the green light from the DNCG with a budget revised to 1.2 million euros. Recruitment is progressing, with the promise of a more than competitive workforce.

Brun, Moulet, N’Silu or Kouyaté arrive

Recruits are returning to the fold, such as midfielder Arnaud Buisson (Angoulême), striker Yohan Brun (who left at the end of 2018 and has since spent time with Grenoble, Laval and Versailles, where he hardly played all season) and defender Mamadou Savané (Rousset).

Others are arriving, such as full-back Yann Djabou (Alès), central defender Moussa Kouyaté, central midfielders Keny Moulet and Richie Dilemfu (Toulon), but also striker Michael N’Silu (Chamalières, scorer against HFC in November) and goalkeeper Florian Verplanck (Grasse).

In the other direction, Hyères noted the departures of Moussa N’Diaye and Pineau to Cannes, of Zerfaoui to Goal FC and of N’Joh-Eboa to Bergerac, while Benbachir is expected at Aubagne.

Finally, local elements will join the group, like Lopez, Aniss, Ramdani, Fadil and Majni. A side attacker is still being tracked, but the Compan-Martin staff is giving themselves time because there will be good deals given the numerous difficulties that many clubs are encountering.

Note that Nicolas Richerme (physiotherapist) is returning to the staff, as is Léo Casali (physical trainer) alongside Laurent Feraud (goalkeeper coach). Enough to look good.

1. In the event of the liquidation of the SASP, the club is supposed to return to the level of its reserve team (R2), but it was able to obtain an exemption to remain in N2 knowing that the SASP stopped of its own free will.



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