Serious accident in Paris: a three-year-old child in absolute emergency after being hit by a cyclist

Serious accident in Paris: a three-year-old child in absolute emergency after being hit by a cyclist
Serious accident in Paris: a three-year-old child in absolute emergency after being hit by a cyclist


Thibault Nadal

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 1:50 p.m.

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A serious accident took place this Friday, June 28, 2024 in Paris near the Carrousel garden in the 1st arrondissement. A three-year-old child was violently hit by a cyclist and is in critical condition, the public prosecutor’s office said in Paris news.

The circumstances of the tragedy are still under investigation.

For the moment, the circumstances of the accident are still unclear, but according to Le Figaro, the child was running when he was knocked down. He was immediately taken care of by emergency services and transported in absolute emergency to Necker hospital (Paris, 15e).

The cyclist was also transported for drug testing. He had, for the moment, not been taken into custodythe prosecution said.

An investigation into “unintentional injuries having caused an ITT of less than three months aggravated by the deliberate failure to comply with a particular obligation of caution or safety provided for by law or regulation” has been opened. She was entrusted to the Judicial Accident Processing Service (STJA).

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