Morocco-Germany strategic dialogue opens in Berlin | APAnews

Morocco-Germany strategic dialogue opens in Berlin | APAnews
Morocco-Germany strategic dialogue opens in Berlin | APAnews

In the German capital, Berlin, the first session of the Morocco-Germany Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue was held, a major diplomatic event marking a significant step in bilateral relations between the two nations.

Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nasser Bourita, and his German counterpart, Ms. Annalena Baerbock, chaired, on Friday, June 28, the inaugural session of the Morocco-Germany Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue, thus concretizing the commitments made in the Joint Declaration signed on August 25, 2022.

At the end of this meeting, the two ministers expressed a shared desire to continue the application of the Joint Declaration and to consolidate a diversified partnership covering all political spheres. They also expressed their desire to boost bilateral economic and commercial exchanges, by encouraging the active participation of the business community and by highlighting the investment opportunities that Morocco offers, in accordance with its Investment Charter.

In terms of migration cooperation, the ministers gave their support to the initiatives of the bilateral Joint Migration Group, inaugurated on January 23, 2024, and welcomed the regular holding of working meetings. They recognized that the fight against irregular migration represents a shared challenge requiring a comprehensive approach that respects international human rights standards. With this in mind, they agreed to continue to improve professional mobility, legal migration, as well as return, readmission and reintegration processes.

On security cooperation, the Ministers welcomed the Joint Declaration signed by the Interior Ministers on 31 October 2023, which marks the resumption of cooperation in all areas of domestic policy. They affirmed their shared ambition to strengthen dialogue to jointly combat terrorism and address other security challenges, including within the Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh and the Global Counterterrorism Forum.

The two sides also highlighted their successful cooperation in the fields of climate policy, biodiversity, renewable energy and green hydrogen, which will be intensified at a strategic level. Mr. Bourita and Ms. Baerbock agreed to promote bilateral cooperation in the cultural and academic sectors and strengthen people-to-people ties.

They further stressed the importance of promoting peace and security both regionally and internationally, as well as strengthening multilateral institutions.

The Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue, which takes place every two years alternately between Morocco and Germany, is chaired by the foreign ministers of both countries. It is based on common values ​​and mutual respect, aiming to establish the principles and foundations of bilateral relations, to define the bases for their development and to preserve the priority interests of both parties. This dialogue constitutes an essential platform for strengthening bilateral cooperation and for discussions and consultations on strategic issues of mutual interest, including security and development issues at the regional and international levels.




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