Who wants help from Europe to carry out a project in a rural area?

Who wants help from Europe to carry out a project in a rural area?
Who wants help from Europe to carry out a project in a rural area?

25 to 30 Cornish projects could be supported by the European Leader programme

At an average annual allocation rate of €250,000, this Leader program could thus contribute to the emergence of 25 to 30 projects in the period and supported by private actors, associations or communities. Quimper Cornouaille Développement is the contact responsible for examining the projects applying for the allocation of this aid.

  • 2 The principles of European aid

    The European Development Fund is paid for projects promoting proximity and solidarity in rural areas; projects diversifying and creating new economic activities, by promoting local resources and encouraging new forms of economy. Projects maintaining the active population residing in rural communities, supporting stakeholders in ecological transitions.

    Example: investing in a shared autoclave to enhance their vegetables during peaks of overproduction.

Examples? QCD instruit examines the project of market gardeners who would like to invest in a shared autoclave to enhance the value of their vegetables during peaks of overproduction. Another file brought by a public authority aims to experiment with a solidarity carpooling system on a municipal scale.

  • 3 Principles of financing

    “These are small projects. Leader does not provide an answer to a project that would not find funding elsewhere. Nor is it yet another source in a multiple funding”, specifies Marc Andro, vice-president of QCD. The Leader allocation can represent up to 80% of total public funding, with a ceiling of €75,000.

    Nine municipalities that are not considered rural areas due to their population density

    “The minimum aid is €8,000. Which means €2,000 of co-financing for a project with €10,000 of public funds.”

    Please note that the territory defined above has ineligibility zones. They are not considered rural areas due to population density (objectived by INSEE). No Leader possible in Quimper, Douarnenez, Gouesnac’h, Clohars -Fouesnant, Bénodet, Fouesnant, Concarneau, Treffiagat and Le Guilvinec.

  • 4 Selection criteria

    A programming committee composed of 17 members divided into a public college (16 members, two elected representatives from QCD and 14 elected representatives from communities of communes or agglomerations) and private (18 members from the Cornouaille Development Council) will deliberate on the first four to five files in October 2024.

    First four to five projects selected in October 2024

    Projects must meet four of the six criteria examined by this committee, which are: “partnership and cooperation; ecological and energy transition; innovation and exemplarity in the territory; solidarity and social ties; economy and sustainability of the project; territorial anchoring in response to the challenges of the rural world”.

* Cap Sizun-Pointe du Raz, Douarnenez Community, Upper and South Bigouden Country, Fouesnant Country, Quimper Western Brittany, Concarneau Cornouaille Agglomeration.



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