A new duo at the head of SO Millau Rugby and new challenges

A new duo at the head of SO Millau Rugby and new challenges
A new duo at the head of SO Millau Rugby and new challenges

Luc Donnadieu and Laurent Tabutin were elected on Wednesday, June 19, during the end-of-season general meeting at the Parc des Sports.

It was no secret but it was necessary to go through the regulatory box to
formalize the election of the new presidents of the club and the new office at the conclusion of a successful season for Millavois rugby.

The new tandem arrives at the head of a club with healthy finances and a positive sporting dynamic. “This is not an alliance of circumstance, we have been on the steering committee for three years and this is a continuation of Rémi and Patrick, the outgoing presidents”specified Laurent Tabutin. Mr. Malaussane retains the treasury and Mr. Sécail the secretariat assisted by the club’s employees.

Women’s rugby at the top

The women’s section of Millavois rugby is enjoying great success, bringing the club a shield, synonymous with the title of champion of France. The cadets are crowned in the Elite 2 category and will play next year among all the French professional teams in Elite 1. “It’s a first for a team sport in Millau to play at the highest French level”said the deputy for sport Jean-Pierre Mas.

The cadets, champions of France, were once again celebrated.
Journal de Millau – TF

They will be rewarded by the Millau town hall via an additional subsidy to help the club confirm this success. The women’s results also include the seniors who once again qualified for the final stages and the college’s sports section which took 3rd place in the French school championship.

Training, the cornerstone of the club’s development

With qualified supervisors and teams presented in all regional or national categories, SO Millau rugby is one of the first training clubs in the league.

The numbers are increasing and the club is putting in place a coordinator in the person of Sébastien Serre. His role will be to create a bridge to help the juniors play in seniors gradually. There are already many of them playing in the flagship team in Fédérale 2.

The new staff and squad

It was also an opportunity to present the movements within the different staffs. Nicolas Costes will be responsible for women’s rugby, Philippe Andreani and Romuald Troncy will be senior coaches with the arrival of Tracy, a physical trainer from Montpellier who will supervise the cadets in Elite 1 next season. Among the seniors, Baptiste Majorel will be supported by Mathieu Issaly, Ruan Lamprecht and S.Roche.

On the staff side, if the departures and stops had already been announced in our previous editions, the first arrivals were able to be made official by the club. To date, 62 players are already from Millavois and 11 recruits have signed.



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