Invited to debate with Nicolas Forissier on La NR-TV Tours, RN Marc Siffert declines the invitation

Invited to debate with Nicolas Forissier on La NR-TV Tours, RN Marc Siffert declines the invitation
Invited to debate with Nicolas Forissier on La NR-TV Tours, RN Marc Siffert declines the invitation

Invited last week by NR and TV-Tours to debate against Nicolas Forissier, Thursday July 4, 2024, as part of the campaign between the two rounds, Marc Siffert informed the NRMonday 1is July, that he no longer wishes to participate in this debate, “given the political arrangements between the Macronist party and the far left, he justifies. I am taking advantage of the very short time of this campaign to only do field work.

“Is he afraid?”

RN Marc Siffert qualified on Sunday evening in the second constituency of Indre (41.71%) against Republican Nicolas Forissier (31.82%).

The outgoing MP is surprised by this evasion: “Is he afraid?” he wonders. I was quite ready to debate, I would have liked to talk about the territory, but Marc Siffert probably does not know the files of Indre. He only arrived in the department three weeks ago. It is a shame to refuse democratic debate in one of our main regional media.

The “betrayal” of Eric Ciotti

On the “political arrangements” mentioned by Marc Siffert, Nicolas Forissier jumps: “He dares to claim the LR label, while I have never seen him in our party that I have chaired for years in Indre. Our political family is that of De Gaulle and Pompidou, I have always been consistent with that. And I have had very positive feedback from voters on my position in the face of the betrayal of Éric Ciotti and his political hold-up which sows trouble and confusion among LR voters.”

Mylène Wunsch will debate with François Jolivet

Mylène Wunsch, RN candidate in the first constituency of Indre, has agreed to debate with François Jolivet, Horizons candidate. Find this televised debate on TV Tours, on our NR website and on our social networks, Thursday July 4, 2024, at the end of the afternoon.



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