In Rouen, this small post office in an isolated neighborhood is under threat: “They are doing everything to make it close”

In Rouen, this small post office in an isolated neighborhood is under threat: “They are doing everything to make it close”
In Rouen, this small post office in an isolated neighborhood is under threat: “They are doing everything to make it close”


Yann Rivallan

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 9:04 a.m.

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It is an isolated and out-of-the-way corner of Rouen (Seine-Maritime). A village within the city. Rather popular, dense, the Grieu district is, however, almost devoid of any commerce. Annick Guilloux has lived here since 1975. Former president of the MJC (Youth and Culture Center), she is, as they say, “very involved in local life”.

She saw the neighborhood gradually empty of its businesses over the decades. One of the last vestiges of this bygone era: the little post office from rue Grieu. But today, it is threatened with closure. It is one of the last public services in the area and, above all, one of the last “places of social connection”, regrets Annick.

A neighborhood where it is difficult to get around

With other residents, she climbed a petition to oppose this decision. In essence, she criticizes the management of La Poste for putting residents of a neighborhood “which remains relatively well served by buses” in difficulty, but where few people have the opportunity to travel.

There are many elderly people and large families. It’s not always easy for them to travel very far to go to the post office.

Annick Guilloux
Resident of the Grieu district

Especially since the home office “is the one from Martainville Street », a stone’s throw from Place Saint-Marc, emphasizes Annick. Not easy when you only travel by bus.

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Attendance is dropping… but not that much

At the CGT, a trade unionist recalls that this is “an old decision”. Moreover, the office had already been threatened three years ago for the same reasons: a drop in attendance.

Obviously there is a drop in attendance. The hours have been gradually reduced and now the office only opens in the afternoon and Saturday morning.

A union representative from La Poste

We must recognize “that there are fewer people in the office compared to 1975,” admits Annick Guilloux. “But there are always people who come. They are really doing everything to close it. »

Moreover, according to the union representative interviewed, attendance is not “as bad” as one might think: “The attendance figures are calculated compared to sales made by the office. So if someone just comes to pick up a package, they don’t really bring any money to La Poste and are therefore not counted.”

As a solution, the union proposed opening “in the morning to allow parcels to be sent from Grieu and perhaps increase footfall”.

Closing planned for July 31?

For the moment, the closure has not yet been implemented, even if the threat is serious, according to the residents and the CGT. According to them, it could be validated next July 31st.

For its part, the management of La Poste did not wish to answer to our questions about the future of this office for the moment. She invokes “her duty of reserve during the electoral period”. She will answer questions “beyond this period of reserve”.

Practical information
The residents’ petition is available at the Grieu community center, at the pharmacy or at the doctor’s office.

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