Champdeniers-Saint-Denis. An apprentice position for green spaces

Champdeniers-Saint-Denis. An apprentice position for green spaces
Champdeniers-Saint-Denis. An apprentice position for green spaces

Meeting on Thursday June 27, the municipal council made the following decisions.

Red Cross SpaceThe mayor, Alain Capelle, gives an update on the progress of the project. After consulting programming companies at the end of 2023, we selected the Setim firm. We have reworked the table of planned surfaces to bring them up to standard in terms of opening an after-school space. We met potential funders: CAF, MSA, Department, Region, State, and made contact with future users so that they could become partners: sociocultural center, Val de Gâtine.

Following the preparation with the Setim firm for the project management consultation, I invite you to authorize the launch of this consultation from 1is July . Valid.

School catering. THE mayor recalls that a consultation has been launched for the provision of cold meal delivery . After learning the school board’s conclusions, the municipal council accepted Api Restauration’s proposal.

Personnel communal. Alain Capelle informs that the municipality has received notification from the CNFPT covering training costs in the event of recruitment of an apprentice in a profession in shortage decided from 1is September. The targeted profession is that of territorial technical assistant, specializing in verst spaces The council decides to open an apprentice position in the technical services of the municipality to allow this recruitment after advice from the CST.

Subsidies. USCP – materials and equipment: €500 (2023) and €500 (2024). Ymevade (welcoming Guadeloupeans): €500; Les Cousettes de l’Egray: €280.

Tannery websiteIt was decided to submit a grant application of €2,150 (Region) and €1,291.50 to the DRAC (State) for the maintenance of the heritage site.



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