Carcassonne athletes honored on stage and in posters

Carcassonne athletes honored on stage and in posters
Carcassonne athletes honored on stage and in posters

They caused a sensation during the past season by performing in their respective fields: basketball, rugby, gymnastics or combat sports, all will be on display in town starting next week. These 17 champions were also the subject of a reception in the courtyard of the Hôtel de Roland.

“Alongside school and family, there is sport, which transmits essential values”. At the start of the speeches, Mayor Gérard Larrat recalls the crucial role of all these associations, certainly allowing young people to practice physical activity, but also to acquire the right behaviors to adopt in society.

“We learn generosity, solidarity, altruism”, lists the chosen one. Without forgetting the spirit of “competition” : it was for him that all these Carcassonne champions were gathered on the stage set up in the courtyard of the Hôtel de Roland. All won medals and titles during the past sporting season, also contributing to making “glasses” Carcassonne beyond the walls of its city.

The honored athletes were called and congratulated one by one by Mayor Gérard Larrat and his deputy Yazid Laredj.
The Independent – BOYER Claude

“We are also working to enable all these athletes to reach such levels”, will add the sports assistant Yazid Laredj, mentioning in particular the opening at the start of the 2023 school year of the Sports City and its optimal environment. The City will also highlight these champions via a vast poster campaign which will begin next week.

But because the clubs would be nothing without their supporters, the mayor had reserved a small “surprise” taking the opportunity to award the City medal to the first of them. “For years I have seen him around the stadiums. He supports, he shouts, he harangues, dressed in a yellow Titi outfit”. The one who earned his nickname to the one who makes a point of honor to support “all the sports” : another great performance.

Clubs were also represented in the audience.
The Independent – BOYER Claude


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